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Once we finished eating I got a phone call from my mom. "Hey, mom! How you been? I miss you." Mom was silent. "Mom?" I heard her crying "Mom. What's wrong? What happened? Talk to me." I picked my head up off of Kian's shoulder. I was worried about my mom, Kian looked at me in worry. "Jaylee," my mom said quietly "It's Wyatt, h-he..." I heard my mom start crying even harder. Wyatt was my 25 year old brother who went into the army. He has a wife and 2 kids. "Mom! Wyatt what? What about Wyatt?" Wyatt was my bestfriend, we were so close. He was my everything, my brother, my friend, my counciler. My mom took a deep breath "He got shot." I started tearing up and my voice cracked "Is he okay..?" Kian was staring at me with sad eyes "No Jay, Wyatt died instantly. He was shot in the heart. The guy who found him said that your picture was the last thing Wyatt looked at. Jaylee I'm so sorry, I know how close you guys were, how much you loved him." I dropped my phone and started crying harder than I ever had before in my life. I ran outside as fast as I could and collapsed in the grass. Kian followed me and held me, I screamed at him and hit him "Get off of me!" but no matter how hard I tried to get him to leave me alone he just held on to me. I gave up and sank into him, crying. Saying why. Over and over and over. Why is this happened to me? I was finally fucking happy! I cried into Kian "Don't leave me, don't leave me, don't leave me, please..... please." I whispered softly. Kian hugged me tighter and picked me up, took me in the house and laid me on the couch. He ran into Jc's room and Lily came running out and screamed "What's wrong?!" Kian grabbed Lily by the arm and told her. Lily started tearing up and came over to me and hugged me for the longest time. Kian put his hand on Lily's shoulder "You got her? I'll be back in a few." Lily nodded and whiped the tears from my face. I looked at Kian who was about to walk out the door "Kian, don't leave. Please" He looked at me with sad eyes again and walked over to kiss me on the forehead "Baby, I'll be back. I promise. I'll be back before you know." Kian left and was back within 10 minutes. When he came back I was somewhat calmed down, I just wasn't talking. He showed up with a huge stuffed turtle and a brownie. He gave me the stuff and picked me up like a baby, I nuzzled into him and tried not to cry again. He carried me up to his room, laid me down and covered me up with his blanket. Kian turned on his TV and put on Netflix. "Baby, what do you wanna watch?" I took a deep breath "Orange Is The New Black." I said softly and muffled. He turned it on and climbed into bed with me, he held me tight and didn't let go. I snuggled with him and my turtle. I didn't move all day and I didn't let Kian leave my side. Once we got tired of Orange Is The New Black, Kian turned on soft music and put it on his surround sound. All I did was cry. Kian did whatever he thought would help. He whiped my tears from my face, he held me, and he kept telling me that everything would be okay. I looked up at him crying again. "Will you go back with me? I can't do thi-" Kian cut me off "Shh, of course I'll go with you. It's okay. I'll be by your side the whole time." I grabbed his hand and kissed it. I cried myself to sleep, but Kian didn't lie. He never left my side.

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