Back To California

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We got back to California on Thursday. After being in Iowa for a few days it was good to be back. I let Kian drive and he pulled into his drive way. All of my boxes from the apartment were infront of Kian's house. I got out of the jeep to find Jc putting the last of his things in boxes. I opened the glass door "What is going on? Why are my things here?" Jc smiled at me and Lily attacked me with a huge hug "You're moving in with Kian and Jc is moving into the apartment with me!" I rolled my eyes "Did you ask either one of us on how we felt?" I asked Jc. He nodded with his eyes wide open "Kian said it was fine." Kian looked confused, Jc laughed "The other night at like 3:15am." Kian smiled "Oh, well it is fine with me, sooo." I laughed "Go ahead. At least I didn't have to move my stuff out of the apartment. Have safe sex kids." Kian grabbed Jc's shoulder "Did you do what I asked you to?" Jc hit Kian in the gut, "Bro, do you think I would let you down? Yeah I did." Kian grabbed my hand and drug me upstairs. When we got to his doorway he covered my eyes and led me in. He sat me down on the bed and told me to open both of my hands, but keep my eyes closed. I did, he put two baby turtles in my hands. I opened my eyes and screeched "Oh my god, how did you? Where did you? Oh my god!" He laughed and put them back in the aquarium. I got up and hugged him tight. I heard the truck leave and I went downstairs and started to bring my boxes in. Kian helped "So you got any names for the turtles?" He asked. I kinda shook my head "I like Squirt for the boy. You pick the girls name." He smiled "Echo." I kissed his cheek "Perfect. Squirt and Echo." We moved all my boxes in and ordered pizza. It got hot so while we were waiting for the pizza I put on a bikini top and workout shorts. We were sitting across from eachother on a bed that was a couch and Kian was staring at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I giggled. Kian smiled at me "Explain your tattoos to me." I looked at my tattoos I pointed to the one on my wrist "This one is a arrow meaning to move forward and let things go. My middle finger tattoo is obviously a little turtle, Lil and I have matching tattoos. I have a turtle and she has a jellyfish The one on my right side is a black rose that says 'I Used To Be Afraid Of The Darkness But You're The Darkness'. The one under my boob says 'You Are My Sunshine' with a sunflower. And behind my ear it says 'Amore' I'm addicted to body modifications." As soon as I finish what I was saying the pizza showed up. Kian paid for it and we watched a movie. After the movie we talked for 3 hours about nothing. Then Kian turned on some music and we danced till 3am. Kian turned off the music "I forgot to make a video!" I smiled "Let's do it now." Kian set up all the lights and the cameras. "I have an idea on what we could do, let's do the whisper challenge but with turn ons, insted of just random sentences. But I should probably put on different clothes. You get ready and I'll be down in a few." I kissed his cheek and ran upstairs. I put on one of his black shirts that has "ATX" on it with knee high black socks and I changed into sexy black underwear and a matching bra with my hair down. I ran back down stairs and Kian was speechless. He bit his lip "Holy shit." he whispered to himself. His shirt was just long enough that it went past my butt. I sat on his lap and leaned against the back of the chair. I reached up and hit record. "What's up guys? It's Kian. Today I'm joined with my girlfriend Jaylee once again for another video. It's honestly 3:40am so cut us some slack. But for this video we are going to be doing the whisper challenge but with a twist. Insted of doing random questions we are going to be doing turn ons."

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