Home Sweet Home, Kinda

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My mom let us sleep in till 1pm then she came in and woke us up. "Jaylee, it's time to get up and eat lunch." My mom said nudging my arm. I woke up and smiled at her. I turned over and kissed Kian on the shoulder "Kian, get up babe." He took a deep breath and opened his eyes. "Good afternoon Mrs. Tylers." He mom smiled and nodded "Kian." I stood up and hugged my mom "We'll get dressed and be right out." Mom left and shut the door behind her. Kian and I got dressed and went out to the living room. Kian sat down on the love seat and I sat down next to him, I leaned on him and laid my head on his chest. He put his arms around me and kissed my forehead. My dad sat in the recliner across from the love seat. I smiled "Hi, Dad. This is Kian." Kian nodded "Mr. Tylers, it's nice to meet you." Dad gave us a half smile. I got up and walked over to the bar to eat lunch. Kian followed and sat next to me. Mom smiled and put plates down infront of us and whispered "Don't mind him, he is having a hard time." Kian nodded at her "That's understandable ma'am." Mom looked at me, winked and motioned over to Kian. I laughed and looked over to Kian, he looked confused, I kissed his cheek and started eating. As I started eating I remembered that the funeral is in a few days. I looked up at my mom "What time will it be?" I said quietly. She looked down at the ground "Noon." I nodded "Can Kian and I take a drive over there?" She looked at me with tears in her eyes "Ye-" her voice cracked. I went over to her and hugged her tight, trying not to cry. "He wouldn't want us to be sad Mom. I miss him too. But we have to be strong. We'll get through." She whiped her eyes and kissed my cheek. "Go ahead." Kian and I walked out the door. When we got outside Kian stopped me "Baby, you don't have to be strong. It's supposed to hurt, You lost your brother who you were close to. It's fine not to be okay. It's fine to hurt and cry." I nodded and hugged him. "I'll drive." I got in the drivers seat and started the jeep. "You don't have to do this." Kian took me hand "I want to." I kissed him and took off. We got to the funeral home and it was already mostly set up for the funeral. I pointed Kian toward the piano and told him the little part I was going to sing. I let him practice it for a little bit and he nodded saying that I could start singing.
"I shot for the sky
I'm stuck on the ground
So why do I try, I know I'm gonna fall down
I thought I could fly, so why did I drown?
Never know why it's coming down, down, down.
Not ready to let go
Cause then I'd never know
What I could be missing
But I'm missing way too much
So when do I give up what I've been wishing for."
When I got through that I couldn't help but fall to the ground crying. Kian picked me up and put me in one of the seats. He held my head against his chest and I cried and cried. "Why? I was happy. Maybe I'm not supposed to be happy. Maybe I'm being punished for moving away. He was my life. I told him everything. Everything." I said into Kian's chest. Kian grabbed my face and made me look him in the eyes. "That's not true. I've lost a lot of people but I know that they are watching me and making sure that I'm doing something productive with my life insted of the grieving over their loss. Yes it will hurt and yes you need to cry it out. But everything happens for a reason. You were right, your brother wouldn't want you to be sad. He would want you to live and do great things with your life. It will be the hardest day of your life, but just know he will be watching you and smiling. Funerals are not for the dead, they are for the living. But I'll be right here by your side. Promise."

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