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Kian's heart rate jumped and he started breathing really hard like he was having a panic attack. Nurses came running in and not long after that Jc and Lily showed up. Lily ran over to me, hugged me tight and his my face in her neck so I couldn't see what was going on. I started crying again and I dropped to my knees. The nurses stopped rushing around and the beeping was steady once again. I jumped up and stopped a nurse.
"What's happening to him?"
She put her hand on my arm
"He hit his head pretty hard and he has been in and out since he got here around noon. His arm was almost snapped in two, I'm guessing from trying to stop some of the impact. I'm also guessing you're his girlfriend. Well we just have to give him some time and see what happenes. If anything else happens, call us in."
I nodded and gave her a little half smile.
I sat back down in the chair and grabbed his hand again. Jc and Lily sat on the little love seat behind me. I turned sideways so my legs were hanging over the edge of the chair and looked at Jc. "Tell me what happened." Jc grabbed Lily's hand.
"It was like 11:30 am when we started to head back to the house. We were just talking and next thing you know I see this dog run out in the road and I yelled at Kian to watch out, so he over corrected and we ran off in to a really deep ditch. Kian hit his head and arm off of the dash and the windshield. He was okay at first, we just knew he had a broken arm then he blacked out and wouldn't move. All of his muscles were stiff. He wouldn't move at all." I turned back to Kian. I realized I was still wearing his hoodie, I snuggled into it and held Kian's hand close. I closed my eyes and next thing I hear is Kian mumble "What happened? Where am I?" I popped my head up and smiled real big. He slid his hand out of my grip "Wh..Who are you? Why are you here? What happened?" He was getting more furious with every question he asked. I stood up and slowly backed away from the hospital bed, trying not to completely lose my shit. He sat up "Is anyone going to fucking answer me?" Nurses ran into the room, this one lady laid him back down gently
"Can you tell me your name?"
He rolled his eyes. "Kian, Kian Lawley."
"Good. Okay Kian, you have been in a car accident. You got hurt pretty bad, and you're just conf-"
Before she could finish her sentence he started breathing heavy again and his heart rate went through the roof. He calmed down pretty quick this time and passed out once again. I slid down the wall and sat there staring into space. The nurses left and not even 5 minutes after she left, I lift my head up to the sound of Kian sitting up and grunting out of pain. I had been crying like crazy and he looked at me confused.
"Jay, why are you sitting all the way over there? I'm okay. C'mere."
I jumped up and went over to him. I climbed into the hospital bed with him and kissed him all over his face. He smiled at me and wiped tears off of my cheeks. The nurses came in and checked him to see if there was anything else wrong and sure enough there wasn't. The impact of the hit just kinda messed him up a little bit, but they said he was okay. "When can he come home?" I asked with a small sleepy voice. The nurse smiled at me "We are going to observe him for a few days and make sure everything is functioning alright. So maybe in about 2 days." I nodded and smiled at her. Kian kissed my forehead.
"Baby, you're not sleeping here tonight. Go home. I'll be home in 2 days, get all rested up. I'll be okay."
"Are you sure? I'll stay if you want me to."
"No," he kissed me softly but firmly "go home. I'll be home in no time."
I nodded at him and I put my shoes back on
"Lily, are you coming with me or staying here?" She rolled her eyes at me "I'm going with you dumbass." I giggled and kissed Kian for a good 30 seconds "I love you Kian." He smiled softly "And I love you Jaylee."

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