Going Home

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Three days passed, of crying and packing. I went home and showered and packed clothes. I wanted to take my jeep but Kian is driving. I told my mom that I was bringing my boyfriend with me. Kian and I put our bags in the jeep, we are going for 5 days. I put my parents address in the GPS. I hugged Lily and Jc good bye and told them to have fun with the house to themselves. We took off back to Iowa. We got a hotel room for the night and when we laid down to go to sleep I looked at Kian "You didn't have to come with me you know?" He brushed the hair out of my face "I did it for you. You're gonna need me. I'm going to be there for you, by your side the whole time." I kissed his nose "Thank you. It means a lot to me. For the funeral I'm thinking about singing part of the song Down by Jason Walker. What do you think? He always listened to that song when he was upset. It was one of his favourite songs." Kian smiled "I know how to play it on the piano, I'll play if you want me to. But I'll think it will be beautiful. And don't thank me." I nuzzled into him "I would love if you played." He nodded and laid his head on my head, I was asleep within minutes. When I woke up in the morning I checked my twitter and instagram. I changed my profile picture to a picture of Kian and I. I look so happy in that picture. I loved it. I was wearing his hoodie, and sitting on his lap, he was kissing my cheek, smiling and I was smiling so big, scrunching my face up. I set it as my phone background. Kian was still asleep. I kissed him deeply and he woke up. He smiled at me "That's a great way to wake up. Good morning, love." he said in his deep, sexy morning voice. I smiled "We better get up, and get going. Rise and shine, lover boy." I got up out of bed and went to the bathroom. "Damn, I love you." I heard Kian say softly. I peeked my head out of the bathroom shocked. Kian looked at me kinda like he was scared of what I was about to say. I smiled "I know." He looked confused "What do you mean by that?" I walked out of the bathroom and leaned on the wall "Because someone who doesn't love you wouldn't fight me like you did when I screamed at you and hit you to get off of me, someone who don't love me wouldn't hold onto me all night long, they would come all the way back to Iowa with me when I have only known them for a week. I can tell by the way you look at me that you'd do anything for me. The truth is.. I love you too. I don't know what you have done to me but, I feel like we have known eachother for years, and we have been dating for a long time. Its weird.. I've never felt this way before. I knew I loved you the second day we were together. And the video." He got out of bed and hugged me tight. "I've been waiting my whole life for a girl as special as you." I kissed him "C'mon let's get dressed and out of here." We got dressed and checked out of the hotel. We got to my house about 4am and went straight to bed.

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