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Chapter Three: Sulfur


GOJO gathered Aki's hair with one hand, pulling it back from her face as she leaned over the trash can, her hands holding the counter. She groaned and leaned her head against her forearm as Gojo leaned against the counter beside her, twisting her hair around.

"You always get sick when I do it," Gojo mumbled. "So why do you keep telling me to do it?"

"Shut up," She grumbled, moving away from the trashcan. "I didn't want to be out there more than what we needed to be."

Gojo untwisted her hair from his finger so he wouldn't accidentally pull it as she moved away from him, entering the kitchen. She retrieved a bottle of water from the fridge, sliding onto the counter as she opened it. The male leaned against the counter across from her.

"I'm guessing that whatever Rey told you, had something to do with Nathan," He said. "Is he in danger?"

Her eyes slanted. "A bit."

Gojo crossed his arms over his chest. "A bit as in not much, or a bit as in you don't wanna tell me?"

She closed her eyes with a sigh, lifting a hand to rub her face. Gojo pushed off the counter, taking two steps to stand in front of her. He rested his hands on her thighs, dragging his hand under the end of the shirt she'd stolen from one of his dressers.

"Talk to me, Princess," He mumbled, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of her head.

"They all know what happened to Marcus," She sighed, her shoulders rising and falling. "And they think that they can one-up him and kill me for good. But they aren't going to come at me directly."

"They're trying to go after Nathan to get at you," He said, making her nod.

"It's not fair for him, Satoru," She whispered, resting her head against his bare chest, her hands traveling over his waist and stomach. "I feel like I'm only dragging him into danger, but I know if I send him away, he'll just be in even more danger."

"Don't stress over it, Aki," He said, his thumbs rubbing over her hips. "Between you and I, nothing will happen to Nate. Besides, the kid's grown more than you think. He knows how to fight."

"I know he does," She sighed. "I taught him how to fight. But that doesn't mean he will. Nathan is too pure-hearted to hurt anyone or anything."

"Why don't you take a break from hunting for a bit?" He shuddered when he felt her nails drag across his abdomen. "If you're that worried about Nate, come up to the school with me. That way, I can keep an eye on you both."

"You sure I won't be distracting you?" She hummed, tilting her head back when his lips pressed under her jaw.

"Believe it or not, I can be serious when I need to be," He muttered, pushing her knees apart as he lifted her legs around his waist.

She crossed her ankles behind his back, draping her arms around his neck. His eyes softened when he saw her smile. He leaned down, gently pressing his lips against hers. Her hand slipped down, cupping his cheek in her palm.

"When are you gonna let me marry you?" He whispered. Her fingers brushed along his jaw.

"Marriage is a big commitment, you know," She muttered. "Neither of us have the time to even think about it."

"I wanna be yours," He groaned. "And I want you to be mine. Forever."

"Married or not," She whispered, flicking her gaze up to his. "I'll always be yours, Satoru."

His head dipped to the crook of her neck. Soft white strands tickle her cheek, and when he kissed her neck, a shiver ran down her spine. She felt him smile against her skin.

"C'mon, ale mele dragoste," She giggled, pulling away from him. "We should get to bed."

Gojo huffed, reluctantly releasing his hold on the woman, stepping back to allow her to slide from the counter. His gaze shifted down as she walked past, his lips twitching into a grin.

"Frumos fund, prințesă,"

She lifted her middle finger over her shoulder as she walked away. Gojo chuckled and followed after her, flicking the light off as he did. They retreated to their shared bedroom, prepping themselves for the night. Gojo simply flopped onto the bed, folding his arms behind his head as he closed his eyes. He could hear the woman shuffling around the room, and after a few minutes, he heard the soft click of the lamp beside the bed being turned off.

He moved one of his arm, allowing the woman to curl into his side, just like every night. However, when he felt her icy fingers press against his bare chest, he yelped and jolted. She laughed when he grabbed her hand, wrapping his around it.

"Damn, baby," He laughed. "Your hands are fucking cold!"

"It's a bit chilly in here," She said, shuffling under the blanket.

"It's just cause you're not in my arms," Gojo sighed, making her playfully hit his chest. He smiled. "I love you, Aki."

She pecked his lips. "Și eu te iubesc. Acum du-te la culcare."

"Alright, alright," He said, bringing her closer to him.

It didn't take long for either of them to drift off, lulled by each others presences. But while they were soundlessly sleeping, down the hall, the teenage boy couldn't help but be restless. He tossed and turned throughout the night, huffing and groaning in frustration when he couldn't sleep.

Anxiety nipped at him when he walked from his room, emerging into the dark hallway. He placed his hand against the wall, using it as a guide as he walked forward, turning a corner as he entered the kitchen. He flipped the light on, rubbing his eyes as he did so. He opened the fridge and crouched down, rummaging through the contents before finding a bottle of juice.

When he stood back up, shutting the door as he turned, he was met face to face with a piercing set of red eyes.


The bottle dropped from his hands as he stumbled back, his eyes wide. He blinked once, and the image was gone. He could feel his heart racing against his chest, fear rising in him quickly.


Aki appeared in the doorway, her dark hair slipping over her shoulders. Gojo was hot on her heels, a frown on his lips. She rushed forward, grabbing her brother by his face. His chest heaved up and down, and he swallowed hard.

"What happened?" She asked, bringing her gaze to his face. "You aren't hurt, are you?"

He shook his head slowly. "A-Aki...I think..."

"Aki," Gojo said, making her look down to where he'd crouched. He lifted his fingers, showing the black substance smeared across his fingers. "Sulfur."



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