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Chapter Eleven: A Goddamn Sinner

Warning: This Chapter Contains NSFW!! 18+ ONLY

Content Warning: body praise, oral (f. receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, gojo being sweet to his gf for once, a tad bit of angst (?), gojo talks in romanian

This chapter is very long.


"AKI, what's wrong?"

Gojo sat up in the bed, pushing the blanket down to his waist. He'd felt the mattress shift, the body beside him disappearing. He looked off to the side, spotting her sitting on the side of the bed. Her back was facing him, and he watched as she reached over her shoulder, bundling the fabric of her shirt up before she pulled it over her head.

He reached forward, the heat of his palm over her spine making her sigh softly. He shuffled closer to, his eyebrows furrowing together. She was trembling.

"Nightmare?" He asked softly.

"I'm sorry I woke you," She whispered. "Go back to sleep, Satoru."

His hands slid over her back, rising to her shoulders where he squeezed gently. His fingers danced across her skin as he dipped to her hips, massaging them. She slowly leaned back, falling against his chest. She exhaled at his warmth, turning her face into his neck. He wrapped his arm around her waist, his thumb rubbing over her stomach.

"I've been up," His voice was a bit grainy, as it always was after he'd woken up. "Been up for about an hour. Wanted to make sure you were okay."

He watched as she traced shapes along his arm mindlessly. He could see the heaviness in her eyes, and the tembling of her hands. Her skin was cold to the touch, and he knew she'd slept on top of the covers so that he wouldn't feel her get out of the bed. He brought her closer, resting his chin on her shoulder.

He knew that she wouldn't talk about her nightmares. She never did. Whenever he would try and push her, try and pry it out of her, she'd disregard the statement and completely change the subject. He knew that they bothered her. She'd wake up in a panic, shooting up out of her sleep with a wild, fearful gaze. But it would always vanish before he would look at her. But he noticed.

After a few minutes, she shifted in his arms. He withdrew away from her, allowing her to move away from him. Usually, she would go into the bathroom and either wash her face in the sink, leaving a warm rag across it, or she would get into the shower. So he moved away from her, letting his back rest against the headboard. However, to his surprise, she followed him.

She crawled into his lap, resting her thighs on either side of his, her hips seated against his. She wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing their bodies flush together. A shudder ran down his spine from how cold her skin was. She brought herself closer, bare chests pressed against another. He draped his arm around her waist, the other sliding up her back.

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