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Chapter Nine: Who Will Kill Who?

Warning: gore


"WHENEVER you are ready, Nathaniel."

The boy exhaled softly. At his feet, a circle had been drawn in white chalk, various phrases written around it Latin. Preventive measure to keep anything that decided to follow the woman he tried to summon. Candles were placed around the circle, casting a yellow glow across the stone flooring.

"A paradiso coeli caeco, ad ignem furentem, qui penitus ardet inferni,"*

His voice carried throughout the room, bouncing off the walls.

"Dei gratiam invoco,"

A small light formed at his feet, dancing along the edge of the circle. Nathan looked over at Simon, who nodded for him to continue. The boy looked back to the book in his hand.

"Adesto mihi in inquisitione Akeldama Mihaela Dragavei,"

That small light rose before it spread across the chalk, illuminating the circle and the writing around it. Nathan shifted on his feet.

"Vocate ubicumque fuerit ad nostram praesentiam,"

The ground softly began to rumble beneath their feet. Nathan turned his head, his eyebrows furrowing together. Gojo glanced at him before looking to the blond man.

"Don't stop."

The rumbling increased, causing the ground to shake. Nathan planted his feet on the ground, looking back down to the book.

"Profer mihi filiam tuam, pater!"

The ground inside of the circle began to crack. He watched the cracks form across the concrete, almost as if it were ice. He gasped when it began to crumble, falling into what looked a pit of nothingness beneath it. The light surrounding the circle suddenly became bright, making them turn their head away from it. When it slowly began to dim, Nathan turned his head back.

His eyes fell upon a figure standing in the middle of the circle. He felt his throat close as his stomach churned, a sudden wave of anxiety overcoming him. His eyes widened, and he took deep breaths, trying to unravel the tightness that formed in his chest.

"A-Aki...?" He breathed.

Shadows dripped from her body like water rolling from her skin. As the darkness dispersed, and the light illuminated her body, all of their eyes widened. Gojo moved forward, but was stopped as Simon grabbed his shoulder.

"Don't," He whispered. "Nathaniel, come here. Quickly."

"W-What's going on?" He asked. "Why isn't she moving? Why...Why is she just standing there?"

HOPE  「GOJO SATORU X OC」≫BOOK II≪Where stories live. Discover now