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Chapter Twenty-One: The Archangel Simon


"IS there something that is bothering you, Nate?"

Turning his head away from the garden, Nathan looked toward the set of doors behind him. He found the blond male emerging from inside of the sanctuary, his helmet tucked under his arm as normal. He rested his wrist on the hilt of his sword at his side, his blue eyes lightening a shade as he stepped into the sunlight.

The younger male let his shoulders drop, exhaling softly as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Just worried, I supposed."

"Of?" Simon asked, plucking a dying petal from a rose.

"I haven't heard of nor seen anything dealing with the Devil since that night," He frowned.

"You're afraid he'll appear out of the blue?" Simon questioned.

"I'm afraid he'll go after Aki," He mumbled. "She's pregnant. She can't fight."

"I have a ward around her,"

Nathan stared at him, his eyebrows beginning to furrow. "W-What?"

"Akeldama is a demon hunter," Simon replied, running his gloved fingers along the rose. "It's my duty to protect you and her when you are unable to protect yourselves. I'm sharing my energy with Akeldama in order to uphold a...shield...if you would. Any demonic entity is unable to touch her and her unborn child."

"Simon, your job is to protect the Sanctuary," Nathan said, laughing airily. "You're going to exhaust yourself doing that."

"You and Akeldama are both part of this Sanctuary, therefore it is my duty to protect you," He sighed, letting his eyes flutter close. "I failed to protect the others, long before you. My brothers and sisters died while trying to protect this place and the hunters inside of it."

"You were here during the attack?" The brunette asked, slightly surprised.

"I was the only Guardian to survive, and it was only because of a hunter sacrificing themself for me," He replied softly. "My kin were slaughtered in battle trying to fend off the sorcerers. The hunters—they shoved me inside of the chapel and forbid me to leave. I had no choice but to listen to them—it's my duty to serve them. I failed to protect them, and they all died because of it."

Nathan sighed. "Simon, Akeldama is okay. You don't have to extend yourself to protect her. Trust me when I say that nothing will get past Satoru."

"I know the lengths that he would go for her," Simon said, opening his eyes as he turned his head to Nathan. "But that just adds to her protection, does it not? She told me that the demon hunter race would not die out with her. Not only am I trying to protect her, but I am trying to protect the future generation of demon hunters. If I exhaust myself, then I exhaust myself. I am always able to recover the lost energy. You cannot recover a lost life."

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