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Chapter Seventeen: Checkmate


AKI shifted on the treestump, her arms draped over her lap, her eyes following the movements of the two males in front of her. She adjusted the collar of the gray hoodie she wore, her hand dropping back down as she fidgeted with her ring. She was antsy.

Nathan bobbed under Rey's arm, spinning around him before hitting him in the center of his back with the end of his sword. Rey stumbled forward, dropping to the ground when the blade slashed through the space where his head once was. He pushed himself up, swinging his leg under the teenager's feet. Nathan sprung back, the katana shifting into a pistol as he planted his feet on the ground, bending back to press the gun against Rey's forehead.

"Check," He grinned, his brunette hair hanging in the air. "Asshole."

Rey chuckled, making the grin on Nathan's face falter when he felt the sharp prick against his throat. His eyes shot to the side, his gaze sliding up Rey's arm, down to where his hand hovered over the boy's throat, sharp nails pressing against his skin.

"Checkmate," It was his turn to grin. He got to his feet, removing his hand from Nathan's neck. The boy dropped to the ground with a whine, throwing his arms out beside him. "Oh, don't pout, you crybaby."

"This shit is so unfair!" He yelled.

"Rey's only a half-demon," Aki reminded. "Which means he only has half the strength of what a normal demon would. If you can't beat him, what makes you think you're going to defeat a real demon?"

"Because it's Rey," Nathan said, rolling onto his stomach. "I can't actually kill him."

Suddenly, the density of the air dropped, making Nathan's breath hitch. His eyes widened, goosebumps racing down his arms and the back of his neck, causing him to quickly roll over, lifting the gun up to the figure that loomed behind him.

Sharp cerise eyes glinted as his lips curled into a grin, exposing his sharp canines. His skin had turned crimson, and a set of horns had formed on his forehead. The tips of his ears pointed, and Nathan saw something flick behind him. He hadn't fully taken his demon form, more or less teetering between the two.

Nathan yelled as he rolled away, jumping onto his feet to avoid the swipe of Rey's hand. He laughed as he straightened his back, placing his hands on his hips. He cocked an eyebrow at the boy.

"So, you're holding back then?" He asked. "C'mon, Nate. Aki told me to hold back, but if you think you're gonna hurt me, then let's step it up, yeah?"

"Aki!" Nathan exclaimed, whipping his head to her.

"You're a demon hunter," She shrugged. "Do your job and kill him."

The boy yelled in surprise, springing up to the branch above his head when Rey flashed in front of him. Aki looked to the side when she felt a new presence join them, her shoulders relaxing at the man who approached her. He cast his gaze to the side, quirking a brow when he watched Nathan dive between Rey's legs, causing the latter to bend over, grabbing the boy by his ankle. His scream filled the air as Rey dragged him off the ground, dangling him in the air by his ankle.

"H-Hey!" He yelled.

"Oh, hey, nice tattoo," Rey said, glancing at the boy's back when his shirt fell.

"Thanks," He grinned.

He yelled when he was tossed away, his shoulder crashing on the ground as he spun around, sliding back on his feet. Gojo turned his gaze away, looking down at the woman. She grinned when she looked up at him.

"You are fucked up, prinţesă," He chuckled, laying his hand on her shoulder.

"Just a little," She replied.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Fine," She said. "I threw up a little this morning, but haven't since."

"Good," He hummed. "I scheduled an appointment for the end of this week. It's just a simple check-up on you and the baby."

She nodded. Gojo fixed her hood as she looked back over to her brother. He had jumped onto Rey's back and had the blunt end of his katana pressed against his throat. Though, his startled scream filled the air when Rey grabbed him and slung him over his shoulder. He caught him before he could hit the ground, hooking his arm around his throat as he yanked the boy into his side.

"Hey, Aki!" He called. "How rough can I be with him?"

"Nothing that will require surgery." She replied.

"AKELDAMA, TU CĂŢEA!" His voice cracked, making all of them laugh. "NU FI UN PULA! AJUTAȚI-MĂ! SATORU!"

The older man simply shrugged his shoulders. "I can't help you in this, Nate. I'm not a demon hunter. Not my forte."

Aki turned her head away, focusing her attention on the man beside her, ignoring her brother's cries for help. Gojo smirked down at her, bending down to kiss her cheek.

"What do you want for dinner?" He asked.

"I don't know," She mumbled.

"Nate!" Gojo called. "What sounds good for dinner?"

"Rey and I are going to the pub!" He called back, swinging onto the branch before turning and dashing away, jumping to an adjacent branch. "You're on your own tonight!"

"No drinking," Aki said.

"Let the kid have some fun!" Rey laughed.

"I don't drink," Nathan swiped Rey's feet from under him, causing the male to yell in surprise. He slammed the blade beside his ear, his lips twisting into a wide grin. "Now it's checkmate."

"Hey!" Gojo said, making the woman look over at him with a quirked brow. "Since it's just you and I, why don't we go on a date?"

"A date?" She questioned, slipping her hand into his when he offered. He pulled her onto her feet.

"Sure, why not?" He smiled, placing his hands on her waist. "It's been a while."

She shrugged. "Okay."

"Where you wanna go, Princess?" He asked, slightly swaying back and forth with her.

"I don't care," She replied. "I'm just hungry."

"Aki!" Nathan shouted, making her turn her head. He lifted his hand up to wave, his jacket tossed over his shoulder. "We're leaving! I'll be home later!"

"Now you listen here!" Gojo turned, planting his hands on his hips. "I want my little girl home by eight o'clock! Do you hear me, young man!?"

"Aye aye!" Rey gave him a salute, making them laugh. "No worries, sir! Your girl is safe in my arm—"

Nathan hit him in the shoulder, making him laugh. "Now you two fuckers are taking it too far."

"Lighten up, Natty," Aki grinned, sliding her hands into her hoodie. Nathan's eyes slanted in a glare, dropping his hand to his side.

"I thought you said you'd stop calling me that like five years ago," He grumbled. "I hate it, Akster."

"Okay, you win, I won't say it anymore," She said quickly.

"Akster?" Gojo echoed with a short laugh.

"Nate's friends made it up years ago," She grumbled. "I don't wanna talk about it. Can we just go get some food?"

"Alright, alright," He chuckled, draping his arm around her shoulders. "Let's go, pretty girl."


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