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Chapter Twelve: The Affect Of A Demon Hunter


SHE shifted around in the sheets, groggily peeling her eyes open when she felt the mattress shift. She rolled over, her gaze falling upon the back of her white-haired lover. She could see the red marks that covered his pale skin, dips from where she'd dug her nails into his back, making her face flush. He was sitting on the side of the bed, his phone pressed to his ears as he murmured, so as to not wake her.

She sat up, making him jump slightly when she slid her arms around his waist. He relaxed against her when he felt her kiss the scar on the back of his neck before laying her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it, Yaga," He muttered. "I'll be there soon."

"Trouble?" She hummed against him.

"Kids ran into a Special Grade," He sighed. "I have to go make sure it doesn't have one of Sukuna's fingers."

He stood up, slipping from her arms. She propped her head on her fist instead, watching as he moved around the room, searching for his uniform. She stood up, the shirt she'd stolen from the closet falling down to her thighs.

"You gettin' up?" He asked, looking over as she shuffled through the dresser.

"I'm gonna take Nathan out and let him fight a few demons," She replied, slipping the shirt over her head.

He moved behind her to help her buckle her sports bra. "You up to doing that?"

"I'm alright, Satoru," She said, glancing at him. "My injuries were healed, remember? You were the one who put me in the water, you know."

"I know," He said, shrugging his jacket over his shoulders. "But it doesn't mean it didn't take a toll on you. I'm serious, Aki. Don't push yourself. You went through a lot."

"Trust me when I say that what happened in Hell wasn't the worst of what's happened to me," She replied. "But, I'll take it easy for a couple of days. Happy?"

"I just worry," He sighed, kissing the side of her head. "You do a lot of dumb shit."

"Says you, showoff," She mumbled. "You can be very egotistical, you know."

"And you can't?"

She shot him a look over his shoulder, making him chuckle. He hooked his arm around her waist and brought her into his side before leaning down, pecking her lips. After she finished dressing, she left the bedroom. She moved to walk down the hall, but paused when she saw a figure standing on the balcony.

Nathan stood outside, leaning over the railing, his fingers laced in his brown hair. He was shirtless, exposing the large tattoo that covered his skin. The tattoo of a Japanese dragon expanded from the top of his shoulders down to his lower back, a mixture of flowers, kanji and various other symbolic items scattered amongst it. Aki remembered when he got that tattoo. She had been the one to pay for it, and sign the paper to allow him to get it when he was sixteen. It was her gift to him. He said that it was a memorabilia to his Japanese ethnicity, but Aki knew better than that. The tattoo was a mural in memory of their deceased mother.

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