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Chapter Thirteen: In The End, You Are Always The Victor

Warning: angst


GOJO rubbed a hand over his hair as he entered his apartment, kicking the door shut behind him. He took his shoes off and tossed them to the side, slipping his hand into his pocket as he walked inside. He looked around as he removed the blindfold that covered his eyes, frowning softly. He glanced down at the time on his phone.

The apartment was eerily silent. He knew that they would have returned by now. So when he peered inside their bedroom and found that it was empty, he felt his stomach churn. When he pushed the door open, his heart sunk into his stomach.

The bed was made, unlike how it was almost always messy, with covers and pillows strung across it. All the clothes had been picked up, either placed in drawers or in the hamper. Gojo walked briskly into the room, grabbing the drawer she'd stolen in his dresser. He then grabbed the doors of the closet and slung them open.

Empty. Everything. All of it. Gone. Her clothes, her bag, the little items she'd scattered around the house; the bible that rested on the coffee table, the cross that hung on the wall in the hallway. He rushed down the hall to Nathan's room, his eyebrows lacing together. It was almost as if the two of them had never been there in the first place.

He returned to the living room, stopping in his tracks when his gaze fell upon her. She was standing in the middle of the room, her hands tucked away in the pockets of her black jacket. Her lips were frowning softly, and when he met her gaze, his chest tightened.

"Please," He begged. "Don't."

"I don't have a choice anymore," She spoke quietly. "There's nothing we can do to prevent this anymore, Satoru."

"Leaving isn't always the answer!" He exclaimed. "I told you, Aki, I'd protect you and Nathan! I will always—"

"You don't stand a chance!" She shouted, cutting him off, startling him by her tone. "Don't you fucking get that? You said so yourself. Your Jujutsu doesn't work against demons. Trying to protect us would only end getting you killed. Your help in a battle with a demon would be useless. You'd just get in my way."

His eyebrows laced together. "I don't understand. What the hell happened? Why now?"

"I don't fucking know!" She yelled. "You think if I did, I'd be standing here doing this? I don't always know the fucking answer to everything! I'm just as confused as you! I'm just as scared as everyone else! I don't know the hell I'm supposed to do!"

"So you think leaving me will solve that?" He asked, his voice quiet.

Her body was shaking, he noticed. He wanted to do nothing but grab her and pull her into his chest. He wanted nothing but to comfort her, because he knew that she was terrified.

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