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Chapter Five: The Devil

Warning: Mental play, hallucinations


"WHAT'S the matter?" Rey laughed. "Don't tell me you're scared, Dom."

The man across from them sighed. He raked his hands through his hair, pushing it back from his face. As he did, his appearance changed as well. He was just a bit shorter than Rey was in his true form, piercing red eyes glaring at the man. Dominic's skin was deep ebony, and his horns curled out and backward.

"W-We need to get out of here," Nathan said, turning to Gojo. "We have to find Aki."

"I don't feel her presence anywhere," Gojo frowned.

"She's either concealing it to get away or she's so swarmed it can't be sensed," Nathan muttered.

He dropped the clip from his pistol into his hand, counting the bullets inside. He pushed his coat back, unclasping the small pouch on his belt loop. He felt another clip inside and returned the clip to his pistol, cocking it back as the empty shell casing fell onto the ground.

"I have fourteen bullets in this clip and another full one. With yours and mine, it makes about 41 shots we can get away with," He said, glancing over at the male. "We better hope Aki shows up before then."

"Get out of here, Nathan," Rey grunted, glancing down at them after he shoved Dominic into the side of one of the buildings. "Evacuate people while you can."

"Satoru," He said. "Start gathering all the students and get them off the hill."

"I'm not leaving you alone," He frowned.

"I'm going to find Aki," He turned away. "You need to focus on your students before me! I know what I'm doing!"

"Do you?" He lifted a brow.

Nathan lifted his arm, shooting a demon that had been rushing up on him from the side. "They're purposely showing themselves. I may not be an actual hunter, but if I can see them, I can shoot them. Aki at least taught me how to do that."

Gojo stared at him hard for a moment, glancing back at Rey, before returning his attention to the teenage boy. "Don't get yourself killed."

"I'm smarter than that."

Nathan turned and ran, quickly disappearing around the side of the building. He ran past the sorcerers who were fleeing the school, no doubt to see what the commotion was all about. He navigated his way around the school, ducking around corners and hiding behind boxes whenever a demon would drag past him.

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