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Chapter Twenty-Four: Braxton Hicks



"WHAT'S wrong, mama?"

Satoru's voice flooded throughout the room, relaxing her shoulders from their tense position. Her eyes remained shut as she tipped her head over the back of the couch, groaning softly. Satoru entered their home, kicking his shoes off by the door before tossing his jacket onto the rack. He slid his blindfold from his eyes, raking his slender fingers through his hair.

He walked to his wife, leaning over her to kiss her forehead gently. He noticed that she felt a little clammy, making his lips pull into a small frown. He drew away from her, dropping into a crouch in front of her. He placed his hands on her knees, gently kneading her thighs.

"Baby girl bothering you?" He asked.

Aki's hands rested over her stomach, nodding softly. Satoru climbed onto the couch beside her, sliding his arms around her back. He rubbed her back, kissing her shoulder gently.

"Want me to start a bath for you?" He asked, his eyebrow furrowing together at her soft whimpers.

"Y-Yeah, if you want," She mumbled.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asked, massaging her hip.

"I-It's just Braxton Hicks," She laid her head on his shoulder. "False labor contractions."

"Are you sure you're not in real labor?" He asked. She nodded.

"I still have five weeks," She said. "It's just...really uncomfortable."

"I'll run a bath," Satoru kissed her temple before standing. He entered the bathroom, flipping on the light as he did so. He drew the curtain back and crouched beside the tub, reaching forward to turn the faucet on. He stood up and retrieved the bag of epsom salt from beneath the cabinet.

"Hey, is anyone home?"

Satoru placed the bag down and stepped out of the bathroom as Nathan walked inside. He shrugged his jacket off before tossing it to the side, toeing his shoes off. He waved at Satoru before hopping into the living room, where he saw his sister.

"Hey, Aki," He greeted. "What's going on?"

His smile began to fade when he noticed the discomfort on her face. Her eyebrows had laced together, her eyes shut tightly. He dashed to her side, his hand cradling the side of her face.

"Aki? What's wrong?"

"J-Just...fuck! Satoru!" Her voice broke as she called out, and he was there in an instant.

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