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Chapter Eighteen: Turning


GOJO'S lips pulled into a smile, his eyebrows uplifted, hands tucked into his pockets, the bag holding the cheesecake Aki craved hanging over his wrist. His eyes were trained on the woman crouched in front of him, trying to coax a small cat from under a bench in the park they had been walking through.

"Aki, that cat's not gonna come to you," He said.

She shifted to sit on the ground, crossing her legs under her. Gojo let his head drop forward, his shoulders slumping. They'd only been passing through the park to return to his apartment after dinner when the ravenette spotted the small calico cat hiding under the bench. He never took her as the type to like animals, but here they were. He'd been standing there for almost fifteen minutes and finally gave up, plopping onto the bench across from her.

"Baby, you're gonna get your pants dirty sittin' on the ground," He muttered.

"We have a washer," She replied, resting her arms on her thighs.

"Are you gonna give up anytime soon?" He asked.

"If I catch it, can I keep it?" She looked over her shoulder at him.

"If you catch it in the next—" He glanced down at his phone. "—ten minutes, I'll let you keep it."

"You'll let me keep it either way," She hummed.

"Yeah, you're right,"

He tipped his head back as he closed his eyes, softly humming the song from the restaurant. He could hear Aki as she shifted around, clicking her tongue and tapping the ground as she tried to get the cat to come to her. This continued for another ten minutes before he heard her call out.


He immediately raised his head at her tone of voice. He rose to his feet in a fluid motion, discarding the bag on the bench as he swept to her. She held a hand over her stomach, her eyebrows laced together in discomfort.

"What's wrong?" He asked, resting his hand on the side of her neck as he flicked his eyes over her face.

Her cheeks warmed. "I...I feel like I just started my period."

"Doesn't your period stop when you get pregnant?" He asked. She nodded.

"Yeah, well, at least I thought. But it seriously feels like I'm starting my period," She frowned.

"You may just be cramping?" He said skeptically, rubbing the back of his head. "I dunno, Aki. If you're worried, we can go to the ER."

"No, it's okay," She said, her thumb brushing across her stomach before she returned her hand to her side. "I can always bring it up to the doctor at my appointment."

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