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Chapter Six: The Student and The Master

warning: mentions of blood


"AKI, where are you going?"

The teenage girl paused, looking down at the boy who shuffled down the hall, tiredly rubbing his eyes. She exhaled heavily, sinking into a crouch in front of him. She laid her hand on his head, brushing the brown strands away from his eyes. She would have to cut it soon.

"I have to go to work," She said. "So you need to go back to bed."

"Can't I come with you?" He asked, grabbing onto her sleeve. "I don't want to stay here by myself."

"Mrs. Finch is right next door if you need anything," She stood up, leading him back into his bedroom.

She lifted him and placed him back onto the bed, pulling the covers over his body. She sat beside him, raking her fingers through his curly hair. He yawned tiredly, nuzzling into her hand.

"Please, Aki?" He asked, looking up at her.

"You can't, Nate," She mumbled. "It's too dangerous for you to come. Maybe when you get older, okay? Now, go to bed."

She did this for as long as he could remember. When he would go to bed, and once she was sure he was asleep, she'd disappear into the night. She was always there when he woke up, just as she promised him each night. Some days he would wake up and she would be passed out across the couch, covered in blood and bruises, and others she would be up in the kitchen, making him breakfast before she'd send him off to school.

But as he began to get older, he saw less and less of her. She would vanish throughout the day, then return at the crack of dawn. He sat up most nights, pacing the floors until she would get back to their small, dainty apartment. He would always jump up, rushing around the rooms to collect any medical supplies she had scattered around to try and help her injuries.

"This is ridiculous, Aki!" He exclaimed, glancing from her to the road back and forth multiple times.

Blood seeped through her fingers as she grimaced, her fingers digging into her side. Her shirt was soaked in her own blood, and her breathing was ragged and uneven. He couldn't even tell it was her when she first stumbled into the apartment, covered in blood and bruises, just like always.

"J-Just shut up," She groaned. "I don't need to be lectured by you."

"You always do this!" He yelled, his eyebrows lacing together. "You always come home all bloody and shit! It's like you're trying to get killed doing this! Why can't you just get a normal job?"

HOPE  「GOJO SATORU X OC」≫BOOK II≪Where stories live. Discover now