T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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Chapter Twenty-Eight: When It Rains, It Pours


AS the scorching heatwave engulfed Japan, the gentle summer rain provided a much-needed respite for its residents. People gathered outdoors, savoring the cool breeze that descended from the mountains, while their children gleefully played in the puddles, staining their clothing with water and mud. Others preferred to stay indoors, captivated by the mesmerizing sight of raindrops gracefully gliding down the windowpane.

Simon found himself standing in this position, and like many others, was captivated by the sight of the raindrops cascading down the tall glass windows. With his piercing blue eyes, he scanned the surroundings, marveling at how the rain had transformed the Sanctuary into a breathtaking spectacle. Resting his hands on the hilt of his sword, his golden hair framing his face like a halo, he inhaled deeply, savoring the moment before exhaling slowly. As his eyes gently closed, he surrendered himself to the tranquility of the scene.

His peace, however, did not last very long. His silence was interrupted by a loud voice that spiraled down the hall, bouncing off the walls as it was carried throughout the Sanctuary. He sighed, his shoulders rising and falling in disappointment. Simon lifted his head, securing his helmet over his blond hair before turning to face the boy marching down the hall.

"What could you possibly need from me now, boy?" Simon asked, quirking an eyebrow at the brunette. "I spoke to you less than twenty minutes ago."

Nathan rolled his eyes as he adjusted the cross hanging around his neck. He'd grown taller in the past three years, now standing at 193 cm. His hair had grown longer as well, just barely brushing along the tops of his shoulders. He'd also gotten much stronger in his time as a hunter, allowing him to build muscle throughout his body. The bandages that spiraled up his right arm were visible with his sleeveless shirt, also allowing the tribal tattoos along his bicep to be seen. His boots thunked along the tile as he strode toward Simon, holding a book in his left hand.

"In this text, it says that this demon is only able to be exorcised through—"

Nathan cut himself off by the voice that carried through the Sanctuary. Both men instantly tensed up, their eyes meeting in a split second. Simon drew his sword as Nathan grabbed the pendant around his neck, a pistol forming in his palm.

"What is that?" Nathan whispered.

"I've felt no disturbance in the area," Simon muttered.

"So, it's not a threat?" The younger male asked.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that," Simon's eyes narrowed. "This presence...I've felt it before."

The voice rose again, and Nathan could distinguish it as a male's. He looked back at Simon before moving forward, holding the weapon at his side. He called out when he heard footsteps. They immediately turned and began walking towards Nathan, making him tense, holding the weapon tighter.

"Oh, slavă Domnului!"

Nathan's eyebrows raised as a man turned the corner, relief washing over his body when he saw Nathan standing at the end of the hall. However, when Nathan lifted his weapon, the man stopped. His shoulders tensed, and he shifted on his feet. He slowly lifted his hands, showing he was of no harm.

The man was tall, with dark hair that had a few strands of gray streaking throughout it. He had slightly darker skin, like he'd been in the sun and had gotten a deep tan. He had high cheekbones and a slight stubble along his jawline. But what had struck Nathan, was the bright hazel eyes that were full of mixed emotions.

"Please," The man began, his voice deep with a thick Romanian accent. "I am looking for my daughter."

"How'd you get in here?" Nathan asked. "Only hunters and Angels have access to this Sanctuary. And, no offense, but you don't look like an angel to me."

The man frowned. "I am a hunter. You are as well, no?"

Nathan's eyebrows furrowed together. "Yeah...I'm a hunter...the last one."

Now, it was the man's turn to scrunch his eyebrows. "The last one? What are you talking about? There are hundreds of hunters! Please, I just need to find my daughter."

"Hundreds?" Nathan scoffed. "All of the hunters were killed years ago when the sorcerers attacked. Where have you been hiding out all these years?"

"H-Hiding?" The man repeated. "No, no, I think you're mistaken. The sorcerers—they attacked my family. I told my daughter to escape. My brother—he is around. Marius. You know him?"

Nathan's shoulders tensed. At the mention of Marius' name, an unexplainable amount of hatred filled Nathan's body. His eyes dropped into a narrow glare as he lifted his weapon, pointing it at the man. This startled the man, making him step back.

"Nu înțeleg! Eu doar o caut pe fetița mea. Vă rog," The man pleaded. "I mean you no harm. Please."


Nathan turned his head, spotting Simon walking down the hall slowly. He reached up and removed his helmet, exposing his wide eyes and parted lips. The metal helmet slipped from his hands, hitting the ground with a loud clatter.

The man let out a sigh of relief. "Simon."

Nathan's eyebrows pinched together. "W-What the hell did you just say? Adrian?"

"Yes," The man said. "My name is Adrian Dragavei. I'm searching for my daughter, Akeldama. Have you seen her?"

Nathan's eyes widened. There was no possible way. Adrian Dragavei died years ago. There was no possible way he was standing in front of Nathan right now. A thousand thoughts began to race through his mind.

Simon moved past Nathan and immediately dropped in front of Adrian, lowering his head and he knelt before him. Adrian quickly dropped along with him, grabbing him by his shoulders.

"Simon, do not kneel before me!" He exclaimed.

"Adrian," He whispered. "All these years, I've believed you were dead."

"All these years?" Adrian said, shaking his head. "I don't understand. It's only been a few months, Simon."

The blond slowly lifted his head. "No, Adrian. It's been 14 years. The sorcerers, they wiped all of the hunters out 14 years ago."

Adrian stared at Simon for a moment, his words processing in his mind. His lips parted shakily. Fear quickly rose in his eyes.

"M-My daughter?" He whispered. "Aki, is she..?"

"Aki's alive," Nathan said, his arm dropping to his side.

Adrian's head dropped, his shoulders falling along with him. He exhaled shakily, nodding his head. "D-Do you know her?"

"I should," He exhaled. "Aki's my half-sister."



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