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Chapter Twenty-Two: In Every Language, I Love You.


SHE stood in the mirror, soaking her own appearance in. Her dark hair was pulled carefully away from her face, pinned away with intricately placed stray hairs that framed her tan face carefully. She hated to admit that he was right, but as the summer progressed, and the tan color returned to her skin, she could faintly see the freckles that dotted around her face.

The white dress complimented her dark hair almost perfectly, making the two girls behind her beam at their work. She stood from the vanity, allowing them to make last adjustments to the gown that hugged against her frame. The detailed lace bodice was surprisingly comfortable against her chest and stomach, and the weight of the fabric was light, preventing any strain on her body.

She exhaled shakily, making the teenager behind her pause. "Are you okay?"

The older woman closed her eyes and nodded. "Just a little nervous."

"That's expected," Ieiri chuckled, straightening out the veil on Aki's head. "Just take a few deep breaths. There you go. I know I'd be getting cold feet against Satoru."

Aki laughed lightly at her. "As much as I hate to say it, I don't think I could leave him. He's like a little leech."

Kugisaki laughed. "Little?"

Aki chuckled as she lowered her head. Her hands trembled as she smoothed her dress out, making Ieiri place her hands over hers. Aki lifted her head, meeting her kind gaze.

"Satoru is the best man you could have chosen," She reassured softly. "He's an idiot, but he's the most caring idiot you'll ever meet. He's lost so much, but, Aki, when he looks at you, he's an entirely different man. You've changed from the first time I saw you as well. Don't be afraid. You and Satoru were meant to be together."

"Do you believe that?" She asked quietly.

"Come on!" Kugisaki laughed, placing her hands on her hips. "He never shuts up about you! He's always talking about you, and since you've been pregnant, all he talks about is your baby! There's no doubt that you've got him wrapped around your finger."

Aki smiled, exhaling softly. Her shoulders dropped from their tensed position as she relaxed. The two other women smiled.

After they left, Aki sat alone in the room, her hands folded in her lap. When the door reopened a few minutes later, she raised her head, meeting the gaze of her brother. Nathan froze in the door, his eyes slowly widening.

Aki smiled sheepishly. "I look pretty dumb in a dress, huh?"

Nathan slowly walked forward as she stood up, kicking the fabric over her heels. She swallowed thickly as he raised his hands, resting them on the sides of her face. She let out a shaky exhale as his eyes softened.

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