T W E N T Y - N I N E

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: Well-Deserved Rest


"ARE you sure this is a good idea?"

Nathan looked at Simon warily, concern flashing in his hazel eyes. Simon simply nodded, his hands wrapped tightly around his staff.

"This is her father, Nathan. She deserves to know about this," He replied quietly.

"But to her, he's been dead for the past decade," Nathan frowned. "What if this does more damage than it will to heal her?"

"Would you rather her continue to mourn him, even though he is alive?" Simon asked, his blue eyes dark in the dim lighting.

"How do we even know he will continue to live?" Nathan asked. "Adrian died many years ago. We aren't even sure that he even died in the first place. And if he didn't, why is he only appearing now? Look at him, Simon. He didn't even know about the sorcerer attack. To him, all of the hunters were still alive. He's still processing what I told him about Marius."

"Adrian has always loved Akeldama more than anything in this world," Simon said. "His only wish is to see his only child. I will grant him that request. If you wish to stand in my way, I will not hold back, nor will I hesitate. I serve the Dragavei family. Not you, Nathaniel Bennet."

Nathan clenched his jaw as Simon moved around him, approaching where Adrian sat. The younger male lifted a hand to his face, rubbing his eyes before pinching the bridge of his nose. He exhaled heavily before following after the two males.

"You're making a mistake, Simon," He called. "She's already accepted his death."

"Are you trying to stop this, Nathaniel?" Simon called back, their steps echoing throughout the Sanctuary.

Nathan jogged ahead of them, making both Simon and Adrian pause. "My sister has been through enough heartbreak and pain."

Simon moved his staff to the side. "Move."

"She retracted her oath because she couldn't handle it anymore! You saw what they did to her! She has gone through years of torture, pain, and fear!" Nathan frowned deeply. "I can't allow you to hurt her anymore."

"Please," Adrian whispered. "She is my daughter."

"Aki raised me," Nathan said quietly. "I watched her come home with injuries that should have landed her in a morgue more times than I can count. She died while protecting me. She has always protected me. I took her place so that I could protect her. Akeldama has done enough. It is her time to rest, and I will be damned if I allow you to disrupt every good thing she has."

"I don't want to hurt her," Adrian said. "I just want to see my daughter."

"I'm sorry," Nathan said, genuine sympathy in his eyes. "But she is still healing from so many other things. I can't allow you to reopen a wound that's already been closed."

"I deserve to see her!" Adrian exclaimed. "I have not seen her in so long! She deserves to know that I am alive!"

"And what do you plan on saying to her?" Nathan snapped. "Oh sorry for disappearing for practically your entire life, leaving you to handle everything on your own! Let me just jump right back into your life and act as if nothing ever happened!"

"You will never understand the sacrifices I had to make!" Adrian shouted, stepping forward, now face to face with Nathan. "You will never understand what it is like to be a hunter!"

"No," He said. "I may not understand the sacrifices you had to make but never say I don't understand what it's like to be a hunter. I will always understand what it is like. I saw everything firsthand hand watching my sister sacrifice everything she ever had in order to save me and the rest of the world! She gave up everything! Not just for me, but for everyone. She was always so selfless. And when she needed to rest, I stepped up. I have been hunting alone for the past three years, and it has been the hardest thing I have ever done. I couldn't imagine doing it alone for the past decade."

Nathan stepped forward, making Adrian take a step back. His eyes narrowed, sharp hazel eyes glowing with anger.

"Aki has given enough. She deserves to be at peace. She has come to terms that you are gone. She has come to terms that she is finally able to rest and enjoy a normal life with her husband and her own daughter. You do not have the right to just swing in and destroy all of that. My sister has given her entire youth to protect me. Now it's my turn to protect her. And if you even think of ruining that, I will not hesitate to stop you. By any means necessary," Nathan said. "And if you hurt Akeldama, I will kill you."

Adrian tightened his jaw as he backed down, stepping away from Nathan. The younger male glanced over at Simon before turning and disappearing down the hall. He walked into the shadows that lined the dark hallway, appearing in a dark alley as he stepped into the light. A low whistle filled his ears.

"Boy, who pissed you off?"

Nathan turned his head, spotting Rey leaning against the wall, a cigarette dangling between his lips. He lifted the lighter, the flame illuminating his face as he lit the cigarette, puffing on it a few times before moving it away from his face.

"What's got your panties in such a twist?" Rey asked.

"Can the dead come back to life?" Nathan asked.

Rey's eyebrows furrowed together. "You planning a resurrection?"

"Is it possible for the dead to come back to life?" Nathan repeated. "Can a demon bring them back and host them, o-or if they made a deal with—"

"Woah, woah!" Rey grabbed Nathan's shoulders. "Slow down, Kid. What's going on? What's got you so riled up?"

"Adrian Dragavei walked into the Sanctuary and is demanding to see Aki."

Rey's lips parted, the cigarette between them dropping to the ground. "W-What? Sorry, Kid. It sounded like you said Adrian Dragavei. You know, the guy who died over a decade ago, and has been dead as a doornail."

"That's what's got my panties in a twist," Nathan said. "So, can the dead come back to life?"

"I-I suppose it's possible," Rey frowned deeply. "But..."

"But what?" Nathan frowned.

"Demons can't bring the dead back to life," Rey muttered. "Not even the big man himself can do that, and he's apparently the 'miracle worker'."

"So who brought him back, Rey?" Nathan asked.

Rey exhaled heavily. "The only person that's capable of doing something heinous like that."

Nathan met his gaze, lifting his eyebrows. Rey looked off to the side, rubbing his hand over his mouth anxiously. He looked back at Nathan and exhaled deeply.

"Satan. He's the only one who could do something like that," Rey answered.


"And that's not the worst part, man," Rey strained. "In order to come back from the dead, you've got to have a deal with the devil."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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