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Chapter Four: Rey


"MAN, is this really all you do all day?"

Nathan lay across the leather couch in Gojo's office, his head dangling over the edge, his legs extended up the wall. The tips of his hair brushed against the floor as he flicked his eyes across the room, boredom clear on his face.

Gojo looked up from the papers he was signing, laughing softly. "Not exactly. I'm just signing off on some reports for missions my students did."

"Boring," He dragged out, sitting up as he swung his legs to the side in a swift motion. He blinked hard as the blood rushed back down his face, causing it to flush. "Hey, where's Aki?"

Gojo lifted his hand, pointing his pen toward the window. Nathan turned his head, humming in question. His gaze fell upon his sister, his shoulder sinking as he smirked softly.

She was asleep soundly on the window sill, her knees bent up toward her chest. She'd nuzzled her chin into the hoodie she wore, no doubt one that belonged to the white-haired male. Her chest rose and fell softly, her face slack, relaxed.

"She hasn't been sleeping all that great lately," Gojo said. "She stayed up last night, putting wards up around the block."

Nathan rubbed the back of his neck. "So a demon's after me, huh?"

"Don't worry about it," The older male said. "You know nothing will get past your sister. And if something manages to do that, it sure as hell won't get past me."

"Can you even see demons?" Nathan asked, draping his arm over his thigh.

"I have an ability called the Six Eyes," He replied. "In simple terms, it eliminates the boundaries of human senses, meaning I can perceive more things than normal people. Hence, my ability to see demons and curses alike. That's how I knew about the demon that was attacking the sorcerers in the first place. I knew it wasn't a curse."

"Hey, that's pretty cool," Nathan said. "So your senses are like, crazily heightened?"

"Pretty much," Gojo chuckled.

They both turned their heads at the sound of a quiet groan. Aki shifted around, her eyebrows pinched together. She still seemed to be sleeping, but instead of looking at ease, she now looked as if she were in discomfort. Gojo sighed and stood up, his fingers brushing over her knee when he got close enough.

"Aki," He called gently.

Her eyes shot open, and Gojo's wrist was there to stop her from striking him. Her body immediately slumped under him, her shoulders dropping. She muttered to him in Romanian as she took his hand, allowing him to pull her up.

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