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Chapter Eight: Demon Hunter


SUNLIGHT poured through the large windows, shining upon the face of the man who stood there. His eyes were closed, blond hair hanging in front of his closed eyes. The sun glinted on the silver armor that protected his body, gleaming off the helmet that rested against his side, secured by his arm. The end of the spear rested on the smooth tiled floor. The man's fingers tightened around the hilt, the leather of his gloves creaking, the soft tap of the metal reaching his ears.


The man didn't lift his head, though his eyes opened slowly. Dark blue irises stared down at the intricate pattern of the floor. His eyes seemed heavy.

Nathan walked into the room slowly, his steps echoing around them. Gojo leaned against the wall, his hands slid into the pockets of his jacket. The sanctuary was eerily silent, the halls hauntingly empty. Not a sound had been made by the man that stood across from Nathan.

"So it's true then?" He spoke after a few moments, finally breaking the silence in the room.

Gojo pushed off the wall, approaching the stain-glassed windows. The different colors shone across his face as his gaze traveled over the art. He exhaled through his nose.

"Akeldama has been dragged into the depths of Hell."

"I've come for the summoning chant," Nathan said, making the blond man raise his head.

"It would be useless to try to use it," He said, causing a frown to pull onto the boy's lips.


"A summoning chant can only be used by a Hunter that posses the same blood," Simon replied. "And Akeldama was the last."

"There has to be another way," Nathan said. "We can't just leave her there! She'll be killed!"

"Satan is not a force to be reckoned with," The older man sighed, placing the open-faced helmet over his head. "Meddling in affairs with him is not something humans should involve themselves in. Sorcerers either."

Gojo glanced at him in the corner of his eye. "You're a damn fool if you think I'm gonna give up just because you're piss-plum scared of the Devil."

"I do not fear him," Simon replied. "As a Lord's Knight and the Guardian of this sanctuary, I fear nothing. It's my duty to protect normal people like the two of you from the hellish horrors that Satan brings into this realm."

"Other than the summoning chant," Nathan frowned. "What can we do to force her back into this realm?"

"Nothing, I'm afraid," He sighed. "All of the chants and prayers are to send demons back into the gates of Hell. None are to open them."

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