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Chapter Twenty-Six: Hope and Faith


"Draga mea, poți lua suzeta din congelator?"

Satoru looked up from the ground, his eyebrow lifting in question. He rose to his feet, stepping over the infant playing on the floor.

"Why is it in the freezer?" He asked, doing as his wife asked. He removed the pacifier, noting that the end had been filled with water and then frozen.

"She's teething," Aki huffed as she walked past. Satoru stuck the pacifier in his mouth and snatched the basket of laundry from her hands, making her huff again. He entered the living room and dropped the basket onto the ground before handing the pacifier to his daughter, who babbled up at him.

"You know you're not allowed to lift things," He said, quirking a brow at his wife. She rolled her hazel eyes and plopped onto the floor.

"They are just clothes," She said.

"I told you I would get them in a minute," He said.

"You took too long," She mumbled, crinkling the toy at her daughter with a smile.

"You asked me five minutes ago. I was watching Hope play," He shook his head. "So impatient, prinţesă."


"Ask me if I care!"

Satoru and Aki exchanged a glance before there was rapid knocking on their door. Before either of them could answer, the door was swung open, and a flash of color blurred past them. Aki blinked at the spot where her daughter once sat, turning over her shoulder to see Rey tossing the young girl into the air before catching her and bringing her into his arms.

"There's that little shit-eating grin!" He said, pinching the baby's cheek. "Just like your mother!"

"Rey, you goddamn asshole!" Nathan appeared at the door, clearly out of breath as he panted. He slammed the door shut as he stormed inside. "I haven't gotten to see her in a week!"

"Man that sucks to be you," Rey grinned. "Tell him, Hope! Say: sucks to be you!"

Hope just babbled as she pointed at her uncle, making his eye twitch in annoyance. Rey's grin widened as he placed the baby onto his hip.

"I'm gonna beat your ass."

"You can't. I have a baby. You wouldn't hit a man with a child, would you?" He taunted.

"No fighting around Hope," Satoru said, plucking her from Rey's arms. "Aki's already got her cussing; the last thing we need is for her to be violent so young."

HOPE  「GOJO SATORU X OC」≫BOOK II≪Where stories live. Discover now