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         Dears readers first of all thankyou very much for choosing this book for your experience. Myself author Luna or you can also call me moon.🌝

I'm more that grateful to have you here 💜 before we get into story there are some things you must know about this book.

∆ This story is a pure work of fanfiction/Alternative universe.

∆ Characters in these story is played by many idols/actors are not related in real life in any kind of shape or matter.

∆ This book is a 2nd Season of my book called : The Animal Inside Him.

∆ You can find the season 1 under my profile it is necessary to read book 1 first.

∆ This book contains mature language, triggered containt,abuse,false language,mature scenes & 🔞.

∆ If you have any doubt or questions you may ask me in comments section.

∆ Please do vote and comment your thoughts don't be a ghost reader , I'd really appreciate if you vote for this book.

∆ Lastly have a great journey ahead i promise to bring you a whole new world of imagination 💜

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