🌼 Epilogue 🌼 (Taehyung Ending)

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Gosh here I'm with another epilogue cause I know I did bad to Taehyung and it's unfair thanks to you all for telling me your opinion as much as what I want is important what you all want and think is also important to me so here I'm with a real happy ending for Taehyung.

12 Years Later ..

Yohan looked at his father who was busy preparing food which obviously didn't end up well cause his father doesn't know anything but to cook ramen.

"Appa you sure this gonna work and not make eomma more mad ?" Asked Yohan.

"Obviously baby I know your eomma very well " said his father as Yohan tried to hide his smile it's been 12 years his parents are married he is 17 now but the love between his parents never lessed.

It made him dream about having same love as there parents.

"Go call eomma !!" Said Taehyung excited as Yohan nodded going upstairs to call his mother.

He opened the door of his parents bedroom to find his mother reading a book as his sister was watching movies.

She is 10 years old  "taeyin what are you doing ?" Asked Yohan as his sister smiled "oppa I'm watching movie !" She said excited as Yohan couldn't help but smiled ruffling her hairs lovingly.

"Let's watch movie together eomma will you leave the room we brother and sister wanna have a movie date " said Yohan as his mother glared at him.

Walking downstairs her eyes widened as she saw smoke coming from kitchen unbelievably as the fire alarm started she immediately ran in kitchen to find her husband trying to make the smoke disappear with cutting board.

"KIM TAEHYUNG!!!!!!!!!!"Y/n yelled frustrated as her anger raised up but as she looked at her husband's innocent but dangerous attempt to make dinner made her burst into laugh.

"Kim Taehyung what were you doing ?!" She asked as he smiled "making dinner but I dunno when I added water into oil it turned out like this " said Taehyung as Y/n eyes widened "you stupid man what did you do add water into oil !!!!!!" She yelled as he gulped in fear "i--" before he can finish taeyin and Yohan walked downstairs "I'm hunrgyyy" both said at the same time making there parents look at them.

"What happened in the kitchen ? A war ?" Asked Yohan as he looked at his father his father glaring at him to shut his mouth "yeah your appa the great cook of joseon dynasty was fighting against opposite clan of water with oil " said Y/n dramatically as taeyin burst into laughter "appa !! Hahahah" she laughed as Yohan tried his best to not laugh but broke down.

"Get ready guys we are going out for dinner " said Y/n as her kids immediately went upstairs to get ready.

"Mr.kim go get ready I'll take care of this mess" Y/n said as she caressed his cheeks lovingly he pouted as things didn't go his ways she smiled pecking his cute pout as she tiptoed "if you want my forgiveness better put efforts in bedroom tonight honey " Y/n whispered as she went away.

Taehyung smiled as he was all shy yes they are in there 40's now but love knows no restrictions.

Jeon's Mansion

Byeol looked at her mother who was busy making food.

"Eomma are we not gonna meet appa tomorrow?" Asked byeol as Jennie sighed "we will byeol but for now eat okay we will meet appa " said Jennie as byeol nodded "eomma can't we take appa out from there please ? Appa is not--" byeol couldn't continue as Jennie glared at her "go and get freshned up come down for dinner !!" Jennie said in a strict voice.

Byeol went to her room as she remembered yohan's face his face is a splitting image of her father she knows it since childhood and now Yohan knows it too but he ignores that fact but treats byeol as his sister which triggers her more.

"I hate you Mrs.kim Y/n !!!!! I hate youuuuuuuu " byeol yelled throwing another tantrum the personality she got from jungkook is making her messed up but Jennie tries her best to not let her become like her father.

Kim's Home.

Yohan took his sister upstairs as she was already sleep "goodnight eomma and appa " he said as both his parents smiled pecking his cheeks as they saw him going upstairs with taeyin in his arms.

"Yohan grew up so soon " said Taehyung as he sat on couch his wife smiled "indeed he will go to college in next two years " said Y/n as Taehyung smiled.

"It all worked out tae thanks for loving me ,thanks for loving me truly " said Y/n as Taehyung smiled looking at her face with love in his eyes "thanks to you Y/n for trusting me " he whispered as both were silent talking with there eyes.

"I love you mrs.kim y/n  " whispered Taehyung as Y/n smiled "I love you too mr.kim Taehyung " she whispered as she leaned in kissing him as he held her neck kissing her back immediately.

Taehyung and Y/n laid in eachothers arms definitely tired from there love making session "I love you Y/n " Taehyung whispered as he pecked her forehead who was very tired "i love you too tae " she whispered as she listened to his heartbeat which calmed her she slept peacefully in the arms of her love.

She felt home.

Busan, South Korea.

A man kept paining pictures in the room which was dim and was full of paintings of only 1 women.

"You look so beautiful angel so beautiful" he whispered as his eyes were red due to drugs.

"Yohan must have grown so much now " he talked to the painting.

"Did you tell him that his real father is me Jeon jungkook well even if you didn't I'm damn sure he knows by now he is my son he will look like me !!" He laughed crazily as the man outside the cell looked at him worried and scared.

"Mr-mr.jeon please please try to sleep " the guard said as jungkook looked at him " how can I sleep my angel is not with me " he said back as he again started painting.

Jeon jungkook is in mental asylum after Y/n marriage jungkook had an accident and due to that he forget everything but only remembered Y/n and Yohan as they were the only two person on his mind before he lost his consciousness.

Jennie and byeol tried there best to make him remember but he pushed them away he couldn't recognise his own daughter and wife and kept calling for Y/n and Yohan.

Y/n indeed went to meet him on the request of Jennie which Taehyung was not happy of but he didn't said anything instead went with her.


Y/n looked at the door inside was Jeon jungkook all tied up cause instead of taking the treatments he tried to run to find her.

Y/n took a deep breath before going inside the room

"Y/n my angel you came ?" He said excited as she looked at her ,her eyes widened with tears that was Jeon jungkook she knew.

His face lost it colour he was looking very tried she went to her "jungkook what happened to you why ?" She asked as tears left her eyes "no no don't cry baby I'm fine this doctors just don't let me go and the food here is not good you came to take me with you right ? Take me home baby I miss you and Yohan why you didn't bring Yohan " jungkook said as Y/n looked at him .

She caressed his cheeks lovingly as she closed her eyes trying to hide her tears "jungkook please take the treatments please eat well then only I'll let you meet Yohan " said Y/n as jungkook nodded immediately his hands were tied so he couldn't touch her but his heart ached "open my hands damnit my love is crying infront of me !!!!!" Yelled jungkook angrily as Y/n stood up "I'm sorry jungkook but please be safe " whispered Y/n as she pecked his forehead going away ..

"No y/n baby don't leave me this people are not good Y/n pleaseeeeeee " jungkook cried as Y/n heard his cries all she could remember was past ,past of her and jungkook karma is really a bitch.

Flashback End.

"No matter what angel ,you are my angel you'll always be ,this Jeon jungkook will always wait for you " said jungkook as his eyes closed drifting him to sleep because of the medicine.

The End ....................................................

🌼So here is the ending in Taehyung's favour you all enjoy it next chapter is gonna be the trailers so wait for it 🌼

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