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Author's POV

Jungkook got inside the car as Y/n got in too both putted there seatbelts as no one said anything jungkook started the drive.


Jennie looked at her brother who was talking on call and he kept the call "what happened jen ?" He asked as he sat infront of her "mingyu my marriage is at crisis " said Jennie as mingyu looked at her confused "what why ?" He asked as Jennie started crying telling him everything.

Mingyu smirked as he got to know choi Y/n is back but what shocked him was she has a child and that's none other then his own brother-in-law's.

"Jennie look don't worry jungkook is a good man I trust him whatever happened was past he won't leave you no he can't leave you or byeol trust me I'll make sure of that " said mingyu as Jennie hugged him "I don't want you to hurt anyone mingyu " said Jennie as mingyu nodded caressing his sisters head lovingly "I won't".

Back to Jungkook & Y/n.

The car stopped infront of villa which was jungkook's private villa he got out of the car as Y/n followed him.

Both of them went inside as he locked the door the maid greeted them.

"How may I help master and how have you been madam it's been long time " said the maid as Y/n smiled at her "I'm fine " she said keeping the conversation short as jungkook told her to go out he will ask her to come back later.

Both sat in silence as Y/n decided to break the ice " who said Yohan is your child ?" She asked as jungkook scoffed "just 1 hair of his is enough to confirm that " said jungkook as Y/n looked at him.

"Do not interfere in my life jungkook how many times do I have to tell you that !!" Y/n yelled as jungkook smirked "araseo I won't give me my child " he said as Y/n marched towards where he was sitting holding his collar angrily "you don't have any fucking rights on my child !!!!" Yelled Y/n as jungkook held her waist turning themselves around as he pinned her to the couch.

"Why not he is my son !!!! You lied to me you kept my son away from me !!!!! I was unaware of his birth his whole existence!!!!" Jungkook growled as he held her throat angrily he pulled her face close to him as he looked all over her face.

"Now that am looking at you all I feel is hate for you I loath you choi Y/n !!" Jungkook growled in anger as Y/n laughed "you think I'm dieing for your love oh please you won't even realise if I kill you by poisoning your food or shooting you infront of everyone that is how much I loath you !!!!" Y/n said as tears left eyes due to suffocation.

Jungkook saw her breathing becoming less as he cupped her face kissing her to make her suffer more but oh how wrong he was when he felt several pain inbetween his legs as Y/n kicking him where sun doesn't shines.

"Do whatever you want Yohan is my child and he will be mine ,no matter what jungkook you can't take him away from me and If you did don't forget Jeon you have a daughter yourself and your wife and you will go through the same pain as me and I'll make sure that happens!!" Said Y/n as she laughed like a maniac.

"Have you gone mad !!!!" He yelled frustrated as Y/n laughed "no Jeon it's you who is mad between us it's been 5 years but you are not over me it's you who is insane " said Y/n as jungkook sat on the couch looking at her amused.

"You are a murderer Y/n you don't deserve happiness and my child " said jungkook as tears welled up in his eyes threatening to fall as Y/n smirked looking at him.

"Do you think a rapist,a domestic violence abuser deserves a good wife and a pretty lovely daughter  a pycho who has been getting treated since his teenage for having depression and MPD ????!" Y/n said as jungkook yelled reaching his extream.

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