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Author's POV

Taehyung took a deep breath as he looked at Y/n who was glaring at him with tears flowing nonstop her nose cheeks all red which made her look cute like a kitten.

"You liar !!!!!!! You told me you moved on !!!! You even kissed him !!!!!!" Y/n yelled as she remembered everything "wait are you both pranking me by saying you ain't gay ?" Said Y/n as she started looking around the house but found no camera or Yoongi.

"Y/n listen to me look I'm I'm really sorry but you kept moving away from me that's why I did all of this so you would come back and stay here with us " said Taehyung.

"I I love you Y/n for so long I can't stop loving you and I swear I'll always love you no matter what and Yohan is my child I love him as my own child I promise I won't even ask for another child but I love you so much Y/n give me once chance please or else Yoongi hyung will kill me for making him do those kind of acts please " Taehyung said almost crying as Y/n looked at him trying to hide her smile.

Y/n's POV

This kim Taehyung I swear to got I've know this act 3 months back only.

Yoongi oppa told me as soon as Yohan started calling taehyung appa I couldn't believe at first but Yoongi oppa introduced me to his wife and daughter and I was too stunned his wife laughed saying everything was fair in love and war.

Except Jeon jungkook and me everyone knew they were acting.

"Kim Taehyung you what other things you lied about ?" I asked as he kneeled infront of me "nothing else Y/n and Yoongi hyung's the CEO and I'm the chariman of our company " he said as my eyes widened "and this is his house mine is near in  luna's villa " my eyes again widened that's the richest villa residency of Korea Jeon jungkook stays there only !

"You are you for real !" I said as he gulped tears welling up in his eyes "please I will never lie again but I love you Y/n so much that I can't stop it please marry me ? Or just date me give me onc chance to prove myself " he said as I smiled cause now he was crying "okay I'll date you but I have a rule which you have to follow " I said as he looked up at me suprised "what is it I'll follow everything!!" He said as "you'll never lie again and about the accident of Jeon you'll never do anything like that again " I said as he looked at me shock.

"What ?" I asked as he started crying hugging my waist "can't believe you are finally agreeing to be mine I love you I love you soo muchhhhhhhh" Taehyung cried as I laughed a little "yaaaaa don't cry now get up " I said as I patted his back "you made me the happiest man Y/n " he said as he got up "I'll go get freshened up I also wanna eat ramyeon " said Taehyung as he went away .

I started cooking as all the memories of past came in my mind am I ready to live a new life ? Will I ever be able to love taehyung ? But Yohan loves taehyung and Taehyung loves Yohan I don't wanna break there bond.

If I can't love Taehyung , I'll let him love me and maybe his love will be enough for both of us ?

My chain of thoughts broke when Taehyung walked towards me while wearing a white tee and shorts his hairs still little wet and my heart skipped beat.

"Let's eat love ?" He asked as I gulped nodding as yes.

It was 1 Am and we both are still awake watching movie to elaborate I'm the only one watching movie Taehyung is watching me which is making me shy from the past 1 hour

"Stop it tae " I said as he smiled "I didn't do anything" he said as I looked at him "stop staring at me !!" I yelled as he smirked "then should I start working ? Instead of staring let me feel you ?" He asked as my eyes widened a blush appearing on my face thankgod the lights are off but the brightness of TV must be enough for him to see it.

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