Ch.8 🌼

745 39 4

Crystal Hotel.

Park jimin the name is enough for every party lover he has the best party among his every friends.

First one to arrive was jimin and yingying himself.

Next arrived were hoseok and jungkook's secretary Irene they are friends so he invited her.

Then arrived seokjin and his wife.

Next was jungkook and his wife.

Then last were yoongi,taehyung and Y/n.

All of the started talking as they all were just chatting.

"Oh batta(right) Y/n baby I've called one of my friend as your date " said yingying as Y/n looked at her confused.

"But--" before she can someone arrived taking everyone's attention.

"Annyeonghaseyo I hope am not late " said a deep husky voice as everyone looked at him.

"Oh no no your not late wonwoo come" said yingying as jimin also stood up greeting him with a hug

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"Oh no no your not late wonwoo come" said yingying as jimin also stood up greeting him with a hug.

"Guys this is our friend Jeon wonwoo " said jimin as everyone smiled except 1 person and that was none other then Jeon Jungkook.

"And wonwoo this are our friends and this is choi Y/n " introduced jimin as Y/n gulped but smiled at him bowing.

Wonwoo couldn't help but look at her with curiosity filled in his eyes he smiled at her asking for a handshake which she did.

She looks beautiful in every aspect no one would say she is a mother of a 5 years old kid.

Well everyone in there group is well maintained no one looks like a mother but they are.

"Nice to meet you Y/n shi " said wonwoo as Y/n smiled "I hope we get along " said wonwoo as she smiled nodding a small ne coming out of her red lips.

Jungkook glared at wonwoo as he talked with Y/n since he came.

His eyes went to her who stood proudly smiling at his silly jokes looking so hot and sexy in that red dress.

His eyes went to her who stood proudly smiling at his silly jokes looking so hot and sexy in that red dress

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Y/n talked with wonwoo not only her but anyone can tell the man is pure gentleman.

Jeon wonwoo was in same university infact for same batch with others.

He has always been a secret admirer of Y/n but due to jungkook he couldn't confess.

The news came out breaking Jeon Jungkook and Choi Y/n were dating like a firework in whole university those who tried to go near Y/n were either beaten to death by jungkook or were simply out of the university.

He had the power over everyone in University.

Wonwoo had that little fight with jungkook where wonwoo couldn't even do anything for himself since jungkook beated him and gave him a warning to stay away from what belongs to him.

But destiny works it's miracle.

Y/n smiled as she excused herself to make a call to her kid.

Jungkook walked beside wonwoo smirking at him while he gulped the wine down.

"Who do we have here a nerdy romeo" said jungkook as wonwoo smiled at him "uremaniya jungkook-ah " wonwoo said as jungkook rolled his eyes.

"What are you doing here ? " Asked jungkook as wonwoo smiled "well got invited so I'm here by the way I heard you married Kim Jennie congratulations " said wonwoo as jungkook poked his cheek with tongue annoyed.

Before jungkook can say anything jimin called wonwoo to join them.

"And yes from what I know you don't have any rights to tell me what to do and what not Jeon Jungkook since Y/n never belonged to you to begin with !" Wonwoo said as he went away leaving a angry jungkook.

Y/n smiled as she heard Yohan was having a blast with his friends she sighed in relief.

"Okay then baby I'll keep the call and pick you up tomorrow okay ?" Said Y/n as she heard a sarangey from other side she smiled keeping the call.

"What do you think you are wearing !!" She heard a growl behind her as she looked behind to find jungkook.

"Even if I'm naked it should not bother you Jeon " said Y/n as she turned to him.

"You stay away from that wonwoo guy !" He warned as Y/n rolled her eyes "who are you to tell me what to do and what to not !! " y/n said as she looked angry.

Jungkook had not answer to this question cause he was nothing to her now.

"I'm warning you choi Y/n don't you dare show me this attitude" said jungkook walking close to her as Y/n stopped him before he could come close.

"You got a beautiful and understanding wife Jeon and a really very lovely daughter you should not be doing this ,they don't deserve this " Y/n said as if something snapped inside jungkook he held her throat.

Choking her as he pulled her close while Y/n didn't reacted to him making him more angry.

"Don't you dare say anything about my family " said jungkook as Y/n laughed at his face "I didn't said anything Jeon and don't worry I won't do anything atleast not till you are sane" said Y/n as she pushed his hands away but before jungkook can process.

His hand was behind him in her grip tightly as she sighed.

"Think twice before touching me again Jeon Jungkook or it won't take me time  to show you your place which is on your knees in front of me begging me to leave you all alone " Y/n whispered as she left his hand going away.

Jungkook closed his eyes remembering how he behaved with her.

"Choi fucking Y/n !!!!!!!!"

Kim's place.

Yohan smiled as he gave back the cell phone to grandma who was there.

"You look so handsome " said grandma as she smiled "just like your appa " she said as Yohan looked at her questionly "halmoni do you know my appa ?" He asked as grandma looked at him confused "aren't you jungkook's son ?" She asked as coughed telling her to shut her mouth.

"Aniya halmoni I'm choi Yohan my eomma is choi Y/n ,she is Jeon byeol jungkook samchun is her appa !!" Said Yohan smiling as he went away. looked at his wife as she gulped "I didn't know " she said as sighed trying to think of how to tell yohan's mother about the chaos his wife has caused!!

"Why did my halmoni said Yohan looks like your appa ?" Asked jaehun as he was hiding with byeol listening to everything as byeol was confused too "molaa maybe I'll ask appa later " she said as kids were too innocent to understand but Yohan was too mature for his age the fact that even other people's can tell jungkook and he looks similar.

"Eomma isn't telling me anything I'll ask jungkook samchun about this "


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