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Author's POV

Jungkook came out of the washroom as he saw a little kid struggling with his zip he couldn't help but smile at the cute site.

As the kid looked up he called out it was Y/n's son "Yohan ?" He called as the kid looked up smiling immediately "ajushi can you help me ?" Asked Yohan.

Even jungkook himself didn't knew why he was helping the kid smiled "I wanna wash my hands " he said as jungkook picked him up both washed there hands.

"You ajushi you look like me !" Said yohan as jungkook glanced at the mirror.

Noticing how much they look similar jungkook gulped in fear ,his heart started beating fast for unknown reason.

He pulled Yohan down as Yohan smiled as if jungkook was looking at mirror.

"Ajushi what is your name ?" Asked yohan as jungkook looked at him "Jeon jungkook" he said as yohan smiled "thankyou junglebook samchun" yohan said as he ran away.

Jungkook stood frozen junglebook ?
This is exactly what Y/n called him when he first introduced himself.

He throwed those thoughts as he got out but froze when he saw Y/n and yohan looking at him.

Y/n's POV

I looked behind us to find no one but Jeon jungkook I gulped there's now way yohan was talking about him.

"Aniya Yohan you don't look like that mister " I said as I held yohan before I started walking "Y/n !!" I heard his voice.

I froze "can we talk ?" I heard his smooth voice which sended chills down my spine.

"Yohan baby can you wait for a moment?" I asked yohan as he nodded "eomma see jaehun is here I'll go with him " he said as he ran to him I saw both of them going inside the hall.

I turned around facing him as he looked more mature and handsome then before.

"How-how have you been ?" He asked as I rolled my eyes "stop the nonsense I don't have anything to do with you " I said harshly as my heart was beating really fast.

I turned to leave but he said something which made me froze.

"Yohan is mine isn't he ?" He said as I gulped down the lump in my dry throat,my eyes started building up tears but I wiped them immediately as I looked behind "no he is not ! " I said.

"You better not lie to me if he is mine ,then remember I'll take my what belongs to me " he said as I looked him and without thinking twice I slapped him across his face ,his face turned to side.

Author's POV

Jungkook felt a stinging pain on his right cheek where Y/n slapped him he glared at her but before he can say anything Y/n grabbed his collar In her hand.

"You better listen clearly Jeon don't think I'm the same pathetic orphan Y/n whom you can take advantage of and I'll just go through it " Y/n said as jungkook looked in her eyes.

Her eyes which showed no fear ,no pain, ho hurt ,no feelings her eyes were blank "think twice before you talk about me or my child talking is long don't even try to think about my family " Y/n said her voice sounded venom to his ears.

"Touch my family and you will see death of your own loved ones " Y/n said as she left him patting his collar she smiled "nice meeting you after long time Jeon " she said smiling as she walked away.

Jungkook looked down his face was blank as he sighed walking to the party.

Taehyung looked at Y/n who sat on her sit she looked tired and her face showed nothing but sadness he looked at his boyfriend who was busy talking with guests now.

Taehyung took a sit beside Y/n as she looked at him smiling "hey " he said smiling as Y/n smiled "may I have this dance ?" Asked taehyung as he showed her his hand "where is your bf hmm ?" She asked teasing

Taehyung rolled his eyes "oh c'mon you are my first love no one can stop me not even yoongi " said taehyung as he smiled Y/n took his hand.

Both bestfriends swayed in eachothers arms "did you met him ?" Asked taehyung as Y/n didn't said anything but just danced "he is not changed taehyung ,not even a bit " she said as taehyung sighed.

"Do you want me to beat him ?" Asked taehyung playfully as he spined her before pulling her back in his arms "no ,I can do that " she said as taehyung smiled proudly.

"I'm finally seeing you happy even since yohan is born Y/n and I promise I'll not let anyone take away your only happiness" said taehyung his voice sounding promising Y/n looked in his eyes which held the promises.

The party ended as everyone went to there houses.

At Jeons

Byeol slept as she was tired Jennie smiled caressing her head lovingly she took a deep breath tugging her in offing the lights as she got out of the room to see her husband.

Jungkook throwed the bottle of wine on the wall ,his eyes screamed nothing anger "choi y/n I'll fucking kill you !! How dare you !!!" He screamed in anger the door opened Jennie gasped as she walked inside.

Blood dripped from jungkook's hand as his hand got cut when he broke the glass in his hand due to anger.

"Jungkook " Jennie called as jungkook glared at her "is byeol alseep ?" He asked no matter how much angry he is his kid is his first priority.

"Yes she is sleeping ,let me treat your hand jungkook" Jennie said

Jungkook looked at his wife as he sighed "aniya go sleep I'll be fine " he said as she smiled "how can I sleep when you are here hmm ? Let's go " she said as he looked at her.

Jennie banded his hand after cleaning the wound "you missed her didn't you ?"

Jungkook didn't looked at his wife "who ?" He asked as Jennie smiled "Y/n " she said as jungkook looked at her.

Both slept as Jennie was in his arms caressing his hairs slowly trying her best to confront her husband "it's okay to be hurt jungkook ,it's okay to be in love and get hurt " Jennie said as jungkook just listened to what she is saying.

"It's okay to miss her " she said as he hugged her tightly "she changed Jennie ,she is not my angel anymore " jungkook said as Jennie closed her eyes tears welling up in her eyes as she smiled "people change for good kookie " she said.


Y/n caressed yohan's hairs softly as he slept hugging her tightly she smiled but her smile went away when she thought about jungkook.

'some people never change ' she thought as she closed her eyes drifting to sleep.

Taehyung looked at yoongi who was getting ready sleep "what happened?" Yoongi asked as taehyung jumped on bed "I was waiting for you to ask me that " said taehyung excited as yoongi smiled.

"Hmm my baby got some tea to spill ?" Asked yoongi as taehyung nodded like a baby "wait here " said yoongi as he went out of the room but soon returned with ice-cream,chips "okay so what happened?" Asked yoongi as he setted everything.

Taehyung spilled everything to his boyfriend as yoongi just watched him and listened to him who was telling everything with every expression he got ,yoongi couldn't help but smile and he thankfull to god for this precious present he has named Kim taehyung in his life.

*Damn yoongi oppa be that type of BF who will listen to your tea with so much interest I swear and taehyung is the type of BF who will bring the tea and you will listen *

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