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Y/n's POV

It's been 3 month since I've shifted to seoul after the accident Yohan as been meeting up with jungkook but as not father and son.

I've started working again with joshua everything is going smoothly ryuji unnie is having a party today which I guess I know why but will wait for the suprise.

But something is wrong between taehyung and Yoongi oppa I can feel it but it's just I can't point it out.

I tried to move out of the house but both of them didn't let me and Yohan is not ready to leave taehyung's side as he is now very much believed that taehyung is his real father which is good but bad at the same time.

Author's POV

Jennie looked at jungkook who smiled he brought her a dress today since there's a party at namjoon's house.

After the accident Jeon jungkook changed for better he has been more caring towards his wife and daughter even though his heart aches whenever he sees Yohan with Taehyung he has decided to let it all happen as Y/n wants.

Taehyung wore his suit as Yoongi walked inside the bedroom only in a towel wrapped around his torso.

"Get ready hyung aren't you coming ? " asked Taehyung as Yoongi looked at him "coming where ?" Asked Yoongi as Taehyung sighed in disbelief "for the party at namjoon hyung's house !!" Said Taehyung as Yoongi rolled his eyes "you want me to come at there party to do what ? I have other work and anyways I'm going to meet her today " said Yoongi as Taehyung chuckled.

"Don't forget hyung we are still a couple !!" Taehyung said annoyed as Yoongi poked his tongue inside his cheek walking towards Taehyung angrily.

"We should stop it now everyone knows we are couple but no one knows we are acting !!!" Said Yoongi as Taehyung sighed "I know and I'm sorry for that but " Taehyung said as Yoongi rolled his eyes "I don't fucking care anymore that girl is insane for Jeon jungkook and you are insane for her if she by any chance got to know you are still in love with her you do realise she will leave you for forever !!" Yelled Yoongi as Taehyung sighed "so what do I do !!!! She just won't listen to me hyung !!! Just to be with her I'm doing this act and it's also helping you !!" Said Taehyung as Yoongi sighed both looked at eachother "this is my last warning Taehyung you better make Y/n yours as fast you can or else she will get us both married !!! And you know that's impossible!!" Said Yoongi as Taehyung nodded.

"Do click sora's pics I wanna see her " said Taehyung as Yoongi smiled.

At The Party.

Taehyung walked with Yohan and Y/n beside him they looked perfect couple but they are not "woahhhhh where is your boyfriend?" Asked seokjin as Taehyung smiled "busy he couldn't come " said Taehyung as everyone nodded.

Yohan & jaehun has become bestfriends as byeol is also there bestie now.

Jungkook greeted Taehyung as Taehyung didn't smiled at him but just said hello.

Meanwhile Jennie couldn't stop staring at Y/n as she didn't even once glanced at jungkook since she came something inside Jennie was telling her that something is wrong.

"So guys we called you all here to announce that me and ryuji are going to be parents !!!" Said namjoon happily as everyone cheered for them.

"Y/n what happened you look disturbed?" Asked ryuji as Y/n smiled "I'm fine soon to be mom " y/n teased as everyone was busy talking and eating.

Taehyung couldn't stop thinking about what Yoongi said he did realised what kind of mistake they both have done and it's gonna hurt them including Y/n.

"Tae you okay ?" Asked Y/n as she held his hand Taehyung smiled "I'm I'm fine " he said as Y/n sighed he is not fine and she knows but she decided to ignore it "Y/n can can we talk ?" Asked jungkook as Taehyung glared at jungkook "yeah " said Y/n casually as Taehyung held her hand "I'll be fine tae I have to end it all for forever " said Y/n as Taehyung left her hand but his heart kept aching which was noticed by someone.

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