Ch.6 🌼

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Y/n froze feeling his lips on her ,those soft pink lucious lips of him which made her mind stop working.

Jungkook closed his eyes his hands holding her more closer if it's possible he would like to have a skin to skin process with her.

He felt calm,he felt happy ,he felt loved kissing her but she wasn't responding his tongue explored her inside inhaling her scent , devouring her taste.

Y/n was about to close her eyes and melt into the kiss when reality hit her she immediately bite jungkook's tongue which cause him to hiss and pull away.

Her felt a sharp slap on his right cheek which left a flaming burn with her 4 fingers traces on his cheek.

"Jeon fucking jungkook you want to die ??? " Y/n yelled as she wiped her mouth with back of her hand in guilt.

"Wae ? Are you feeling unholy now just cause I kissed you ? Don't forget I've seen you ,I've fucked you and I've made you beg for mercy under me !!" Jungkook said in anger as he poked his tongue inside his mouth.

"What else huh ? Tell the whole world how you fucked me ,I don't fucking care anymore !!" Yelled Y/n back.

Jungkook held her jaw in his hand tightly making her pout as he pulled her closer to himself.

"Then would you like Yohan to know what kind of whore his mother was for me ? Again why should I believe that he is my son cause his mother is a whore whom I fucked before it can be any other's dirt " jungkook said as he glared at Y/n.

Jungkook yelped in pain as tears welled up in his eyes due to pain he kneeled down trying to gasp the situation yes his beloved Ex just kicked him where sun doesn't shine..

Y/n held jungkook's hairs tightly pulling them as she bended to his level.

"Call my precious child dirt one more and I'll show your daughter what kind of manwhore her father is and I never said he is your kid cause he isn't so stay away from me and my family !!!" Said Y/n calmly as she smirked leaving him alone in pain.

Yoongi smiled proudly as he heard and saw everything except the kiss.

As soon as Y/n walked out of the room he went inside the room.

Jungkook looked up in pain seeing yoongi there he sighed.

"Jeon Jungkook well you already got what you deserve but you deserve something more for calling my godson a dirt !! " yoongi said as he punched jungkook hard making blood ooz out from his lower lip.

Namjoon looked at his wife who was dancing with him.

He smiled pulling her more close if possible "do you remember our first meet ?" Asked namjoon as his smile was reaching moons and stars his wife smiled "yes I remember,you were not a good danced back there" said ryuji proudly as namjoon giggled.

"No I was a good dancer back then too just was waiting for my partner to show off my skills " said namjoon as he spinned her around making the whole scenario magical.

Both souls were lost in eachothers world ,the surrounding felt like stars around them and both soul in their own universe.

Namjoon pulled ryuji against him as his hands rested on her waist and her rested on his wide shoulder.

Both joined there foreheads as both smiled "can I have your number ?" Asked namjoon as he smiled ryuji giggled "wae mr.god of destruction wanna set my house on fire ?" Said ryuji as namjoon smiled showing his beautiful dimples.

He pekced her forehead "no wanna build our home together with you ,me and our little babies " said namjoon as ryuji smiled hugging him "I love you namjoon "said ryuji as namjoon smiled "I love you too baby ".

Jimin looked at his girlfriend who was busy eating yes she is not done yet "just sit on one place jimin " she ordered as he immediately did "what happened you look impatient?" Asked yingying as jimin smiled "I also wanna dance with you while other couples are there !!" Said jimin.

Yingying couldn't help but smile at her lover ,she is damn lucky to have him in her life well took long for it to happen but she is happy now that she has him.

"Let's go " said yingying as she stood up showing him her hand "will you dance with me my love ?" Asked her as jimin smiled "yes I'll " he said taking her hand..

Both lovers danced swaying with the magical tune ,both pairs of eyes were filed with nothing but love no words were needed.

Jin stared at his wife who was busy talking with her friends "ladies may I have my wife for a dance " said seokjin as he held his wife pulling her away even before anyone can say a word.

"Jin that was rude !!" Krystal slapped his chest playfully as he smiled wrapping his arms around her "baby I love you even if you beat the hell out of me !! "Said seokjin as his wife looked at him in awe.

"Aren't I a good husband ?" Asked seokjin proudly as Krystal couldn't help but laugh "now c'mon give me a kiss ?" Seokjin pouted as Krystal blushed but before she can give kiss there son held his father's and mother's clothes in both his hand.

"Appa eomma I also wanna dance !" Said jaehun as Jin picked him up sighing.

"Jaehun ah you want sister right ?" Asked Jin as he whispered in his son's ear "yes appa !! " His son said confidentially and happily "then make sure you sleep early tonight so eomma and appa can work on it !!" Said seokjin.

His wife held his ear as his son laughed "you Kim seokjin how can you say that to our child!!" Yelled his wife as seokjin started rapping.

Taehyung smiled looking at yohan who was playing with his phone.

Y/n arrived as she sat infront of taehyung "thanks for taking care of Yohan tae " said Y/n as taehyung smiled.

"Aniya he is my kid too " said taehyung as Yohan looked up "oh then are you my appa tae samchun?" Asked Yohan making his mother shock and froze taehyung smiled ruffling his hairs.

"Ye you can call me appa even yoongi samchun too " said tae as Yohan pouted "aniya not like that I want my own appa everyone has only 1 , I also want only 1 my real appa " said Yohan as he looked at his mother "eomma where is my appa ? " Asked Yohan as Y/n's world around her froze.

Her heartbeat fastened with every stare she got from her child,her eyes welding up tears trying to avoid the question just then jungkook and yoongi walked towards them as yohan looked at yoongi.

"Samchun !" Said Yohan as yoongi smiled "yes my kitten ?" Asked yoongi as Yohan smiled "samchun where is my appa ?" Asked Yohan innocently as jungkook who was walking to other side froze waiting for the kid's mother's answer.

"Choi Yohan !! Your appa is dead he is no more so don't ever ask again " Y/n said harshly as she walked away Yohan looked at his uncle's pouting tears started pouring out of his eyes like a rain hurting each uncle's heart.

"What does it mean ? Does it means Yohan has no appa ? But others have it right so why does Yohan doesn't?" Yohan cried as his cries unknowingly hurted another person who heard the conversation.

' I dunno who your appa is Yohan ,but I'll make sure to bring him to you '


*I feel sad for Yohan poor baby *

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