Ch.3 🌼

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Y/n's POV

Joshua is my friend and my boss,I work for him in his company.

He has many branches and one of them is in Korea since he is also Korean.

The day I decided to move back to Korea he agreed "well you can help me there then " he said that day.

So since I came for wedding ,it was not only for wedding but I'm gonna settle here but the boys don't know yet they will throw me back in the plane which I arrived that day itself if they knew.

"What are you thinking ?" Asked Joshua as I looked at him and smiled.

"Nothing take a rest there's a party tomorrow my whole gang will be present there " I said as he smiled patting my head it's one of his habits.

Next Day

Author's POV

It was the evening of the party which was held by groom and bride for there close ones you can say it was similar to bachelor's party.

"Ohhh hyung you look handsome " said jungkook to seokjin who smiled proudly "ofcourse I'm " said seokjin as both laughed.

There wife's were busy talking as there kids were playing many of the successful business man also were present there since namjoon himself is a owner of one of the biggest company in Seoul.

Namjoon wore a simple black suit and a black shirt underneat his fiance selected it and damn he looked like a Greek god.

Ryuji was getting ready as Krystal,Jennie,yingying walked inside with flowers for her.

"You look so pretty" said yingying happily as ryuji smiled "babe look at me at my wedding " said ryuji proudly as all giggled "congratulations ryuji unnie " said Jennie as ryuji smiled "thanks Jennie shi " she said taking flowers.

"Is Y/n coming ?" Asked Krystal as ryuji smiled "yah it's been long time since we met her " said yingying excited before ryuji can say anything.

"Am back my bishes" yelled Y/n excited as yingying and Krystal ran past Jennie towards Y/n hugging her.

"You bish do you realised how much we missed you !!" Yelled Krystal as she wiped her tears Y/n smiled.

Yes she has only been in contact with tae,jimin,yoongi & ryuji "mian okay now now let's not cry and ruin the mood " said Y/n.

Jennie turned around looking at Y/n she bowed with a smile "annyeonghaseyo" said Jennie as Y/n looked at her but smiled bowing back "annyeonghaseyo" she replied.

"Umm this is Jennie , jeon's wife " yingying introduced as Y/n smiled "nice to meet you " said Y/n as Jennie smiled "and Jennie this is Y/n our bestfriend" yingying introduced.

Oh come on it was no secret that jungkook & Y/n were ex lovers everyone surrounding them knows even Jennie knows but she dicided not to open past as she smiled genuinely.


Yoongi,taehyung walked inside with Joshua as Yohan was in his arms.

"Oh hyung " namjoon smiled immediately running to them as he greeted them excited "yohannn" namjoon giggled as Yohan smiled "namjoonie samchun I missed you " the kid said as they have video called almost many times.

"Namjoon this is hong Joshua Y/n's friend and boss you know Hong Limited right he is the CEO & owner " yoongi introduced as namjoon bowed "it's a pleasure meeting you in person mr.hong " said namjoon as Joshua smiled "let's not be formal congratulations" Joshua said.

They all walked inside taking a sit at designated table.

Jungkook,seokjin,hoseok and there partners took seat on there places with there kids.

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