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Genre : Rom-Com,thriller, mystery.
Staring : Jeon Jungkook as main lead.

Synopsis :

My eyes stare at him as he is drinking his coffee I want to be that coffee so much my eyes widened when he stares at me I immediately look away gosh I almost had heart attack.

"Miss Y/n !!" I heard him calling my name as I stood up "yes Mr.jeon ?" I asked as he poked his cheek with his tongue

"Come here "

"Yes sir?"

"Why were you looking at me ?"

"I wasn't looking sir "

"Then ?"

"I was admiring"

"Admiring what me ? "

"Admiring my future husband who is a piece of art another birth of Greek god and as sexy as a  sexy po---"


damn he yelled so hard my ear almost went deaf ouchh

Why is he like this to me to others  he is  so caring and bubbly but to me he is like a  man who is broke and has no electricity or water supply at his home and has 20 kids to raise without wife !

"Or maybe it's his age ?"  I said as I laughed.

"Miss Y/n you want to get punished?"

"Yes sir I mean if you want to !"

"You ,you are insane !! I've never seen a shameless girl like you before !!"

"Everything is new once in life Mr.jeon and you don't even know how much shameless I can be 😏"

Y/n is a young girl who just started her life as a university student but what happenes she falls for her handsome professor who hates girls like her.

Book Name : Falling For You !

Book Name : Falling For You !

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Genre : Dark Theme,yandere & Mystery thriller.
*This contains mature content and language*

Staring : Kim Taehyung & Jeon jungkook  as leads.


Y/n looked at her boyfriend who smiled at her beautifully "I love you jungkook " she whispered as he smiled "I love you too love".

My eyes opened as I looked around jungkook was here ? I looked around only to find the beast looking at me while he sat infront of me on a couch man spreading as he smoked his cigarette.

"Awake ? So what happened did your bunny found you in your dreams did he ?" He said as his voice deep sending shivers to my every cells present in my body.

"Come on talk !! You know I love to hear your voice specially when I'm not fucking you but you still tremble in fear just cause I'm talking with you " he said as tears started falling from my eyes nonstop.

"Speak !!" I gasped as I nodded as no "I I wasn't drea-dreaming of him " i said but my voice came out as a whisper my throat hurting with every word I tried to say and the reason of my throat hurting is sitting infront of me Kim Taehyung my destroyer.

I closed my eyes as the moments from earlier came in my mind.

Taehyung brought Y/n to there bedroom as he locked the door "on your knees now !!" He screamed making her flinch as she immediately followed him orders.

"Open my pants ,take off my underwear and suck it good take it whole that  for next few days whenever you think about taking his name you will remember this !!" He growled as she started crying joining her hands infront of the devil for mercy which she didn't got any.

"You are fucking mine !! Remember no one can take my Lotus away from me I'm the owner of you ,I owe you !!" Taehyung said as she sucked him or we can say he fucked her mouth

"I'm sorry I I won't repeat same mistake again " Y/n cried as Taehyung smirked "aww that's right Lotus you won't and even if you do don't worry I'm here to make it correct right ?" Taehyung said as he removed his shirt.

"Crawl to me lotus " he said as Y/n closed her eyes but did whatever he asked her too cause she knew there was no escape from this monster.

Only if she didn't do that ,that day.

"You are mine lotus,this eyes,this lips,this cheeks,this breasts,this pussy and most importantly this heart which beats for someone else is also mine and your soul is mine too "

"You can't escape from me no matter how much you try to you can't ".

Book Name : Ruined By Him.

Okay so both are different genres as you see both also will have different male leads so choose guys which one do you want I honestly wanna write both lmao since it's been long I've done any Rom-Com genre I wanna write it but the devil inside me a...

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Okay so both are different genres as you see both also will have different male leads so choose guys which one do you want I honestly wanna write both lmao since it's been long I've done any Rom-Com genre I wanna write it but the devil inside me also comes up with dark genre as always.

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