Ch.10 🌼

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Author's POV

It's been 2 days since the party everyone was again busy with their own life.

Except Y/n and Yohan who were enjoying every moment of life in yoongi's luxurious house living like rich homebuddies making taehyung happy and annoyed at the same time.

Cause Yohan was being a good boy he is and Y/n was acting like a rich brat kid who is spoilled on asking why is she behaving like this her answer was "let me enjoy my peace and luxury before I start working again " which left Taehyung annoyed and irritated meanwhile Yoongi laughed saying "do whatever you want ".

Taehyung and Yohan came out to play in garden as Yohan saw other kids with there parents which made him happy yet jealous but his uncle tae made him very happy with playing and buying him things and foods.

Y/n's POV

I eat my pizza as I was watching Netflix Yoongi oppa sat next me as I looked at him.

"For how long you gonna stay here ? I mean I don't have problem but I'm worried about yohan's school " said Yoongi oppa as I gulped yeah Yohan's school.

"Oppa actually umm I'm thinking of shifting here for forever " I said as I looked at him whose face become cold.

"No " he said as I sighed "oppa look I know what you mean by no but I want to stay here in my mother country I miss you guys and I feel lonely there Yohan also needs family and me too " I said acting emotional as Yoongi oppa sighed.

"But Y/n that jerk " he said as I smiled "don't worry oppa he won't,he can't do anything I'll make sure he can't so please and honestly I'm staying here for Yohan he wants to stay here " I said as I saw yoongi oppa thinking he sighed "if that's what you both want I can't disagree " he said as I smiled hugging him .

"But you will work ! I'll search for yohan's school the best school out here we will send him there but you miss you gotta work your ass " he said as I nodded "ofcourse oppa don't worry I've already found a house for me and Yohan " I said as Yoongi oppa glared at me.

"If you want to stay in another house then go back to Australia bish " he said as I laughed "but I'm worried you and tae will not get quality time cause of us " I said as Yoongi oppa laughed "we are fine Y/n this house is big enough " he said as I smiled.

Author's POV

Jeon jungkook looked at his PC where some wedding pictures where displaying.

He kept looking at one particular person who was smiling so happy but then his eyes went to a kid who was smiling happily like bunny which made jungkook smile automatically.

His secretary walked inside as jungkook looked at her "mr.jeon you called me ?" She asked as jungkook nodded "sit here miss bae I have a question for you "

He showed her his PC where a boy's pic was displaying "aw mr.jeon you look so cute when you were kid " said her looking at the pic as he looked at her shook.

"What ?" He asked as she smiled "isn't this you ? " she asked as he nodded as no "it's not me " he said as she gulped "ohhh I mean the kid looks exactly like you so I thought it's you from childhood" she said as jungkook sighed.

"His name is choi Yohan son of choi Y/n I want you to get there all information,his birth details and hospital everything do not miss any single information" said jungkook as Irene nodded "yes mr.jeon I'll get everything by tomorrow" said her as jungkook nodded.

"If Yohan is really my child then you are dead choi Y/n so dead " jungkook whispered.

Ryuji looked at namjoon who smiled at her "I'll go take a shower baby " said joon as ryuji smiled nodding.

As soon as joon went out ryuji got her phone out calling someone.

"What happened?"

"What that jerk let me come back there I swear I'll break all his teeths !!"

Next Day

Y/n's POV

I got ready as taehyung and I are going to school which Yoongi oppa searched it's a prestigious school I told him I don't want those schools but he said jaehun is there so it will be good for Yohan.

"You ready Y/n ?" Tae asked as I nodded.

We reached the school it was beautiful from outside honestly but what matter is how the students and teachers are.

We saw jaehun and Krystal as I smiled going to them "omo jaehun looks so handsome " I said as he indeed looked very handsome in his uniform it was cute "aww thanks emo " he said as I smiled caressing his cheeks.

"Where is Yohan emo ?" He asked as I smiled "he is gone with Yoongi samchun " I said as he pouted "oh baby don't worry Yohan will be there with you from tomorrow " said Krystal as I nodded he jumped in happiness.

Author's POV

Byeol ran to where jaehun was and greeted Y/n and Krystal they both smiled but Y/n's mood got ruined when she saw who came to drop byeol it was her father Jeon jungkook.

"Y/n let's go ?" Asked Taehyung as Y/n nodded Taehyung held her hand as they went inside biding bye to Krystal.

Jaehun and byeol also went with there teachers as jungkook looked at Y/n and Taehyung going away he scoffed.

"What's the point of holding her hand everyone knows who's your boyfriend is " said jungkook as Krystal looked at him in disbelief "what I said truth " said jungkook as Krystal laughed both went back to there respective cars.

The interview was going but when the question where teacher asked why is yohan having his mother's surname and not his father's popped up cause on birth certificate Taehyung was mentioned as father.

"Umm actually we broke up before Yohan was born but we still love our child equally is there any problem if he uses his mother's last name ? Our country is open and free minded " said Taehyung in a cold voice as the teacher gulped "no there's no problem we are more then honoured to have yohan as our student " said the teacher as yohan was indeed a brilliant student he was good in study and arts too.

The boy was gonna have a bright future and the teachers were aware of it.

"Yohan can join from tomorrow we will put him in the same class as Kim jaehun as you mentioned." Said the teacher as both Taehyung and Y/n smiled.

"But when there's parents meeting both parents have to attend the meeting together in our school " said the teacher as Taehyung and Y/n both nodded "no worries ma'am we will " said Y/n .

Both got out of the school as Y/n was happy Taehyung smiled looking at her jumping around happily.

Y/n hugged Taehyung saying "thankyou tae our Yohan got into school he will be so happy we are not gonna go anywhere now !!! We will stay together " Y/n said as Taehyung smiled hugging her back he cupped her face "I'm more then happy Y/n now everything will be fine okay ?" He said as she nodded he pecked her forehead hugging her again both were happy for Yohan.

Unaware of the burning stares from someone who was sitting in the Mercedes"Kim fucking Taehyung !!!!".


Please don't be silent readers guys 😭🙏 vote and comment juseyo🌼🌼💜

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