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Y/n's POV

Looking at yohan sleeping so peacefully i feel happy.

My baby is tired from all the flight and travel.

There was a knock on the door soon i got up making sure yohan was deep alseep i got out.

"Yes oppa ?" I asked to yoongi oppa as he was standing before me.

"Come outside we gotta talk is yohan alseep ?" He asked as I nodded closing the door behind me so he won't get disturbed.

We all sat in Leaving room as tae poured some wine for me and yoongi oppa as he drank strawberry milk he isn't in mood to drink.

"You will be fine right ? Cause that jerk will also be there " said yoongi oppa concernd as I sighed just the thought of him makes me want to murder him.

"Don't worry Y/n i won't leave him if he tries anything this time " said tae as me and yoongi oppa looked at smiling.

"Yes yes tae , tomorrow me & ryuji will go to buy dress for me and Yohan " i said drinking a sip from my glass.

Yoongi oppa nodded "take tae with you ,i have some work i can't join " he said as i looked at him "oppa it's fine i can go alone " i said as i got interrupted.

"No i won't leave you alone !!" Said taehyung pouting as i gigled "yaa just say you also wanna go shopping " i said as he looked at me "whatever helps you sleep at night Y/n".

We bided goodnight as i felt happy for them ,yoongi oppa has always loved tae for a long time now and i was happy when i found out taehyung also catched feelings for him.

They are made for eachother love has no boundaries.

Next Day

Authors POV

Yoongi smiled looking at yohan who was eating his breakfast with a pout "Yohan do you need anything?" Asked yoongi as yohan thought for a minute and said "yes i do ,but I'll tell when time comes samchun."

Y/n got ready as taehyung and Yohan were already ready.

"Eomma you look beautiful" said yohan excited as she smiled "well whose eomma am i ?" Said Y/n proudly as taehyung looked at her questioning himself if he really loved a dumbo like her ?

"Yohan you wanna see magic ?" Asked taehyung more excited then Yohan as yohan nodded taehyung pulled out a blackcard "what the he--hello kitty in the meow world whose card is this ?" Asked Y/n.

"My boyfriend's " said taehyung proudly as yohan smiled "i love you samchuns you both are so cute."

Ryuji hugged Y/n tightly as they met after 3 years ,they have been in touch she saw Yohan when he was 2 years old.

Ryuji looked at yohan who was in taehyung's arms "he is exact copy of that jerk " ryuji whispered in Y/n's ear as Y/n smiled "let's go shall we ?"


Jungkook's eyes widened in worry and anger as he heard what his wife said "what the fuck did you said are you out of your mind Jennie " Jungkook yelled as hoseok looked at the cell phone which Jungkook throwed..

"What happened  ?" Asked hoseok shook "Jennie is saying she lost byeol in the mall call our men right now ,we are going there" Jungkook asked confused

"Okay let's go "

In Mall.

A little girl looked around she lost her mother and now she is looking around for her ,she is not the one to get scared easily.

Yohan bumped into a little girl as Y/n looked at them worried "hey baby are you okay ?" Asked Y/n as she picked up Yohan and looked at the girl.

"I'm fine eomma " said yohan as ryuji and taehyung looked at the little girl it was byeol.

"Oh emo " byeol whispered looking at ryuji even though ryuji hates jungkook from core a little soul didn't do anything wrong "byeol-ah did you got lost wait I'll call your mum " said ryuji as she looked at Y/n

"Um how about you and tae go select clothes while i settle this don't worry it's my friend's kid " said ryuji as Y/n nodded "sure let's go tae ".

Jennie can't stop crying as Jungkook arrived but before he can say anything byeol ran to them "eomma appa " she said as jungkook looked at ryuji who was glaring at him.

"Baby am so sorry " Jennie whispered as jungkook sighed in relief "thanks " said jungkook as ryuji rolled her eyes.

"Don't thank me if you don't know how to raise a kid then go and learn first before giving birth !" Ryuji said as she walked away leaving a very angry jungkook behind.

She just keeps disrespecting him ,he took deep breaths looking at his wife and child.

He was glad that she didn't got hurt "appa i want ice-cream" said byeol as jungkook picked her up looking at his wife who was still crying he sighed.

"Jennie look at me " he said but she didn't he sighed "Jeon Jennie I'm talking to you " he growled as she immediately looked up to him.

He wiped her tears as she hugged him "I'm sorry jungkook i really didn't know how it happened" she whispered scared as he sighed "it's fine honey just be careful from next time."

"Byeol never leave eomma's hand do you get that ?" Asked jungkook as his daughter smiled "yes ,I'm sorry eomma " she whispered as Jennie smiled kissing her face as the family walked out of the mall.

2 Days Before Wedding.

Y/n and Yohan stood in Incheon airport waiting for someone to arrive.

Soon a handsome man walked with his luggage looking around for his people.

"Eomma see it's dadda" Yohan yelled excited as he ran to the man.

"Yohan don't run you'll fall " yelled Y/n worried as a man picked him up pecking him.

"I missed you yohan " he said as he looked at Y/n who was smiling now "and i missed you too Y/n !" Said him smiling.

"We missed you too Joshua."

At Min's House

Taehyung looked at Yoongi who was making dinner "what do you think about her friend from that country " asked taehyung as yoongi gigled "he is cool "

"Not like that baby do you think Y/n likes him or perhaps He likes Y/n they would look great together right ?" Asked taehyung excited as yoongi sighed.

"We don't know love let's wait for Y/n she will decide what to do with her life " said yoongi as taehyung pouted looking at his boyfriend "but even Yohan likes him ,he even calls him dadda "

"My love how about you focus on me right now ? The dinner is ready before that give me a dessert " yoongi said as he stood between taehyung who was on the dinning table "no no no dessert comes after dinner mr.min " said taehyung as yoongi smiled.

"Is that so ?" Asked yoongi teasingly as taehyung smirked pulled yoongi from his collar as yoongi gasped "you know i brought a gift for you my love will show you tonight in bedroom " whispered taehyung as he pecked his boyfriend's cheek.

Yoongi pecked his boyfriend's lips as taehyung smiled "i love you " taehyung said as yoongi smiled "i love you too."

*uwu i can't with this new couple they are too cute to handle..*

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