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1 Week has passed since the day of jungkook and Y/n's meeting.

Taehyung or Yoongi both didn't asked her anything nor she mentioned it.

Yohan was still calling taehyung appa and was on cloud9 he was happy.

Yoongi told Taehyung about the adoption thing which Taehyung was shocked to hear he almost thought Y/n is suffering from some dangerous illness and she is gonna die so they did all her body check which came out normal except one thing.

Y/n's POV

I picked up the call it was joshua.

"Hello ?"
"Hey I'm back in seoul I'm staying at my villa tonight I'll come to pick you and Yohan for a date "
"Sure we can talk about work too I need to work I need money !!"

Joshua laughed on other side as I kept the call.

I received another text from jungkook.


Please Y/n meet me ?
I swear I won't do anything just let's meet and I also wanna meet Yohan not as his father but as his samchun please ?

I kept my phone aside thinking about why he wanna meet me ? Suddenly? Is he again planning something ?

"Y/n come out !!! " yelled Yoongi oppa as I kept my phone away going out.

"Yes oppa ?"  I said as I saw him taking out pizza "where is tae ?" I asked as he smiled "he is gone out for some buisness" Yoongi oppa said as I smiled taking a seat.

"Ohooo I love pizza thanks oppa " I said as we both sat to eat our lunch.

"Y/n I wanted to have a talk with you alone " Yoongi oppa said as I nodded bitting my pizza which was really very delicious.

"Yes what is it ?" I asked taking another piece.

Author's POV

"I ummm I want you and taehyung to get married legally infront of Yohan " Yoongi said as he saw Y/n choking on her pizza.

"Ya ya you okay ?" He immediately gave her water making her calm as she looked around "oppa what kind of prank is this yaaa Kim Taehyung come out !!!!"yelled Y/n as Yoongi sighed taking a seat beside her.

"I'm serious choi Y/n !" He said as Y/n looked at him "so am I min Yoongi do you even realise what you are saying ??" Said Y/n as Yoongi sighed "Y/n it's not like I'm telling you to sleep together--" before Yoongi can complete Y/n putted a slice of pizza in his mouth.

"Shut your nonsense you and tae get married I'll be the witness !!" Said Y/n as she ignored what Yoongi said making him sigh in frustration.

"How do I make you understand what I'm saying Y/n ?" He said this time his voice pretty serious as Y/n looked at him "aniya andwae oppa I don't want to understand whatever it is ,cause of me you have always sacrificed so much this time I won't let you sacrifice your love and what about Taehyung he loves you oppa !!" Y/n said as Yoongi sighed.

"He doesn't " said Yoongi as Y/n looked at him confused "aniya oppa he does ?" Y/n said as Yoongi chuckled "nevermind."

Jungkook waited in the cafe patiently as he kept looking at the door for someone to enter.

"Hyung thanks for coming " jungkook said as he stood up bowing to the person who came but the person just glared at him taking a seat infront.

"I'm not here for you Jeon you do realise I can kill you if I want to right now right here !!" Said he as jungkook gulped.

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