🌼Final chapter 🌼

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6 Months Later.

Today was a special day for Taehyung and Y/n it was there big day both of them were gonna make there relationship official by marriage.

The most happiest person was Yohan he couldn't stop jumping around dancing as all his uncles and aunts couldn't help but smile in joy for him.

Author's POV

Y/n felt nervous she kept looking in the mirror still not able to belive that she is getting married.

Only her heart knows how much courage she took to accept Taehyung's proposal but this time the decision she took is not only because of Yohan but also from her heart in the past 6 months she realised that no one can keep her as happy as Taehyung is keeping her.

He makes her smile everyday showering her with every inch of love he has for her.

And Yohan is happy cause finally he has a appa who loves him more than anything and Taehyung is happiest cause all his dreams are coming true.

"Are you really okay ?" Asked ryuji as Y/n smiled "yes unnie I'm fine " said Y/n as ryuji hugged her "I'll beat kim Taehyung if he makes you cry I swear " said ryuji as Krystal and yingying agreed "imma break his bones " said yingying as Krystal made her calm "dude don't jump your baby it's not good for baby be calm " said Krystal as jimin immediately ran inside the room "what happened who baby what happened to baby ????" He asked worried as he looked at his fiancee "stop it jimin I'm fine nothing happened" yingying said embarassed as jimin sighed "ohh araseo I'm out there if you need anything tell me " jimin said as he went out and other girls teased yingying "oh my gosh I can't believe jimin is so boy in luv " said Y/n as others laughed yingying laughed too.

"Jennie you came what took you long ?" Asked Y/n as Jennie smiled "this !!" She showed a box of jwellery "this took us long me and jungkook were wondering what to gift you so we decided on this you better wear it now !!" Said Jennie as she made Y/n sit taking out the diamond pendant.

Everyone looked at Y/n who looked beautiful.

"Jungkook wants to talk with Y/n can he ?" Asked Jennie as ryuji stood infront of her "no " said ryuji as Y/n sighed "unnie that's fine " said Y/n as ryuji sighed "I'll be right outside " said ryuji as everyone walked out jungkook walked inside.

Jungkook couldn't help but stare at her who looked extremely beautiful and a litral angel but she wasn't his angel anymore.

"How do I look ?" Asked Y/n trying to coax up the awkward situation "beautiful like an angel " said jungkook as he smiled "I'm sorry for everything Y/n for whatever I did I'm sorry and I know sorry isn't enough but I'm here to free you from everything" said jungkook as he kneeled infront of her making her look at him confused "I'm sorry for calling you murderer it was an accident but I couldn't handle the pain of losing my first child and I needed someone to blame I'm sorry Y/n " said jungkook as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Just forget about everything I've found someone who loves me no matter what I do " y/n said as jungkook nodded wiping his tears "just so you know I loved you angel " said jungkook as he cupped her face pecking her forehead "have a happy married life " jungkook whispered as Y/n smiled "have a happy life ahead kookie."

In The Hall.....

Taehyung glanced at the entrance from where Y/n is gonna walk down his heart beating fast as he was hella nervous "tae will you calm the fu--" the priest glared at jimin as jimin smiled "oops sorry I meant will you calm down for duck sakes ! She ain't running away anywhere "said jimin as  Taehyung glared at him "mother---mamma lord's grace don't say anything like that my heart almost stopped beating !!!" Said Taehyung as the priest sighed this young generation he is so done with it.

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