1. Everybody Loves Marshall

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Jordyn's P.O.V.


"Slim Shady, I love YOU!!" A fan girl screams at Marshall from the audience as I watch from backstage.

"Shit. I love you too, girl," he chuckles, then leans in to give her a hug.

The girl then grabs the sides of his face, pulling him to her, she smashes his lips on his quickly, without even missing a bit

From there on, it's like a frenzy.

The girl right next to her then grabs Marshall as well, pulling him from the previous girl, kissing him as well.

And Marshall let's it happen. With the both of them.

Once it's all said and done, Marshall stumbles back from the two girls drunkenly, chuckling lightly as he brings the microphone to his lips.

"Yoooooo, I'm going to jail tonight for sure!!" He announces. Almost proud like.

I feel sick to my stomach and like I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

I know exactly why he just let this shit happen too. It was his sick ass way of getting back at me. For that thing I did in the past. Even if the only reason I've actually done it was literally for HIM. Like, I was literally looking out for HIM when I left him, and he knows it too, and yet, he's still being petty and childish about it. Well fuck him then!! Because two can play that game.

"I think I'm ready to go now," I announce to Trenton, my bodyguard.

"Sure thing, Miss Brown," Trenton replies back.

The two of us quickly make our way out as Trenton shields me from all of the paparazzi outside. And believe me, there's plenty of them.

"Hey, Jordyn, over here!!"


"What were you doing here at an Eminem concert, Jordyn, are the rumors true?!"

"Are you having an affair with a married man, Jordyn, are you a homewrecker?!"

"Is that what one of your songs lyrics are referring to, the one where you talked about being a criminal, and a sinner, and needing to redeem yourself?"

"Is it true that you and Eminem go way back?!"

I ignore all of them. Been trained to do so by my PR team and the label.

I let Trenton lead me to the car and shut the door behind the both of us.

As the car takes off, I close my eyes, finally allowing my heart to hurt as much as it does.

Honestly, I shouldn't even feel this way about Marshall allowing those two random ass girls to kiss him. I have no right to. He is not mines anyways, not anymore. He's married to Kim now, and his infidelities are her problems alone and not mines. I shouldn't feel how I feel, but I do. Can't fucking help it, because I'm still so in love with this boy.

And he and I both know that I am the reason he's married to Kim right now and not to me. I was the one that pushed him away and let him go. And yet, it still fucking hurts so damn much!! I mean like... I've done it for his own benefit, but Marshall doesn't even acknowledge that.

And he must really hate me right now, that's why he just pulled what he pulled.

I understand all of that, and yet, I'm still so angry with him, because why would he?! And knowing that I was standing right there too. It's like he wanted to hurt me.

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