33. After Parties & Clowns

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Another pretty long and slightly chaotic chapter. It starts kind of boring but stick with it, we are just getting into some drama lol 😆

Jordyn's P.O.V.

All of us, Marshall, myself, Dre, D12 and Savannah ended-up arriving to the After Party in the same limo, and we are all already a little bit tipsy by the time we get there. Well, I'm tipsy. The guys are all drunk and slurring their words, and I'm pretty sure they are high too, Bizarre was passing that pill baggie around during the car ride like there was no tomorrow.

Savannah is out of it too, she's pretty much white girl wasted. Well, she IS a white girl, so actually that's pretty appropriate for her.

But she's so drunk right now, she's actually hitting on Dre, which the guys all think is funny as hell, but I'm kind of embarrassed by her behavior. As soon as we all walk through the entrance of the club the After Party is being held at, I'm pulling her to the side and telling her to chill.

"You know Dre's got a wife, right? Nicole? And she would woop your ass girl, I'm telling you," I'm warning Savannah who rolls her eyes at me, flipping her long blonde braids off of her shoulders.

"Yeah, well where's that Nicole now?" She slurs. "She ain't here, is she," she then shrugs and points a finger at me, "and you have the nerve even talking about me and Dre, when Marshall has a wife too. You remember that Kim bitch, right?? Yet you are all over him," she giggles.

This time is my turn to roll my eyes as I'm walking away from her and towards the guys who are all seated at the bar right now, ordering more drinks.

"I'm not all over Marshall, Savannah," I sigh, "We are just hanging out as friends."

"Yeah, coulda fooled me, girl," Savannah winks at me, walking away towards the dancefloor. She spots some guy she knows on there and immediately starts dancing on him, winding her body to the beat of the song that's booming through the speakers. Or... at least attempting to. As much as Savannah likes to think she's down, she honestly doesn't have any rhythm at all, but let me stop hating on my own best friend y'all.

I'm taking a seat at the bar next to Marshall and he throws one of his arm lazily over my shoulders just like he used to always do back in the days, and I immediately feel uneasy. Is Savannah right, are Marshall and I being inappropriate with each other?

I smile at him but again the same time I'm grasping lightly but firmly at his arm and removing it from around my shoulders. I think he's got maybe a little too much to drink where he thinks it's cool to act all familiar with me like that, but we are just friends and he's married.

Marshall frowns at my gesture, slightly squinting his eyes at me.

"Fuck you do that for?" He's asking, voice just slightly on edge.

Just then, Dre cuts in, "Yo Jordyn where you girl at, the white chick?"

I shrug and just point Savannah on the dancefloor to him all hugged up on some guy and Dre chuckles.

"Oh thank fuck man, she found somebody else to be all up on," he smirks, "Cause I thought I'd have to get that broad off of me with a damn water hose. No offense to ya friend, Jordyn."

"It's cool," I shrug just as Proof is ordering us all a new round of shots. Maybe I'm a terrible friend because u didn't even speak up for Savannah, but then Dre is kind of right, she was coming on to him a little too strong.

"This fool here should pick up the tab though," Proof says in the meantime, pointing at Marshall.

"Yo, why I gotta pick up the tab? You freeloading motherfuckers," Marshall jokingly grumbles, throwing back his drink.

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