35. You're Gonna Hear Me Out This Time

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Jordyn's P.O.V.

I dial Marshall's number and just listen to it ring.

I don't expect him to answer to be honest, since we haven't parted on the best terms during the After Party last night, with how I had walked away from him and all, but I literally did it to protect the both of us from making bad decisions. He is a married guy now after all and it wouldn't do any of us any good if we had actually hooked up. Yes, I had kissed him first, but I was being stupid.

Anyway, none of that even matters now, I just want to check up on him and then we will go our separate ways. Clearly the whole friendship thing is not working for us with all of the feelings still involved and I would rather do the right thing.

But I still want to know that he's okay first.

Well... as okay as he can be, considering everything that's happened in just one night.

But as long as thing phone's been ringing, I don't even expect him to pick up at this point until he does.


And I suddenly feel tongue tied and I don't even know what to say.

Way to go, Jordyn...

"Marshall, are you okay?" I ask the dumb question.

Of course he's not okay, I can only imagine how it must he for him with all of the crap that went down last night.

"I'm cool, Jo."

"But you got arrested last night."

For fighting bouncers over Kim, apparently, I'm thinking to myself but biting my tongue. I have no right to be upset about this, he is not mine anymore but still, it hurts and pangs of jealousy are rearing it's head, I guess he does love Kim after all, and God, I'm such a bitch for even be concerned about this when there's bigger fish to fry. Like the fact that there are rumors speculating that he would get charged for this.

"Yeah and?" Marshall scoffs at the other end of the line. Mr. Don't Give A Fuck as always, I swear he's letting this Slim Shady persona run his whole life now. "I'm already out on bail, ain't I?"

"Marshall, what were you thinking?!" I can't help but facepalm myself. "Fighting bouncers. Pistol whipping a guy merely HOURS after being arrested for brandishing a gun trying to intimidate those clown looking guys..."

"Jo, imma stop you right there," Marshall says, "First, I ain't pistol whipped nobody, aight? That fucker Guerrero is a lying sack of shit cause the only thing I had hit him with was my first. Two, ya know damn well them Insane Clown Pussies deserved that shit and more. Them I really should have pistol whipped. And three, as you can see I'm already out on bail so it's cool. And as far as I'm concerned, I did what I had to do."

"No, you haven't, Marshall!! You were being an idiot out there and now they are talking about charging you with assault and..."

"Chill the fuck out, would ya girl? My lawyers would get me off. Won't be the first time, you know what I'm saying? Remember that time years ago me and Proof got arrested for that BB gun bullshit?"

"Marshall, the only reason you and Proof had got out of that one scot free is because whoever y'all shot with the stupid gun haven't shown up in court, and..."

"Baby," Marshall says and I roll my eyes even though he can't see me, like what is he calling me THAT for, "have some faith, would ya?" He continues. "Imma be straight, nobody is going to fuck with me."

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