3. No Hard Feelings

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There are certain similarities with how this chapter had originally was for those few of you that have read this book before, but it has a totally different outcome, so do skip through it and read the ending if by some small chance you have been here before lol. Anyways, after this one, all of the chappies are going to be completely original since I had originally took this book down after publishing the first 3 chapters


Jordyn's P.O.V.

That same night Savannah and I both get dolled up, well, Savannah gets the both of us dolled up while I'm literally kicking and screaming because I would much rather wear my baggy pants and cropped tops, but she forces me to dress slightly girlier. Then we make our way to The Hip-hop Shop. The crowd is crazy in there, and we soon get really hyped.

Savannah who is one year older than me and 21, buys both of us drinks which we cradle, standing in the front of the crowd near the stage.

The battle starts and there's those dude we don't recognize coming on stage at first. All of them are pretty nice though.

Proof hosts the battle and his energy is crazy. He really knows how to get the crowd going. Savannah and I both quickly get into it.

And Savannah is jumping all up and down too, but then again, my crazy best friend, she is always pumped. Those drinks in our hands is the reason why we both are currently having a nice buzz going on. Which I really needed too. After having yet another fight with my aunt earlier. I swear that woman hates my guts. Every day I'm reminded more and more of how much I miss my mom, may she rest in peace. My mother had been my other best friend, other than Savannah, of course, my first ever friend in fact. But she is gone now, and I am stuck leaving with her sister. Until I manage to save enough money to get out of her house and get my own place that is.

Now, I watch Savannah flirt relentlessly with some dude standing next to us, and I have to tell her to take it easy.

"Girl chill. You know damn well that Troy would kick your ass," I remind her of her possessive and controlling current boyfriend that I hate so much. I honestly can't wait for the whole Troy phase to be over for my girl and for her to move on to somebody better.

Savannah is just one of those girls that's in love with an idea of being in love. She has a brand new boyfriend every month, and every single time, she swears that they are the one. But her experiences with them, is yet another reason, other than how my father had left me and my mother years ago, as to why I don't do relationships, like at all. Like, guys straight up scare me, I swear, they seem to bring nothing but heartbreak and drama. And I don't do drama. I'm a drama free girl.

"Bitch, Troy ain't even here!!" Savannah laughs drunkenly, and I cut my eyes at her.

"Girl, you know damn well that somebody could always see you acting a fool out here and tell him," I remind her and she rolls her eyes at me, but nods.

Just then, Marshall finally walks out on stage opposed to this other dude that has just won the previous battle.

He's wearing all black baggy clothes with white sneakers on his feet again, just like he had earlier today when he and Proof were trying to sell copies of his album out on the streets.

Proof flips a coin for which one of them gets to go first. Marshall calls it and wins, so Proof looks expectantly at him. Marshall then nods towards his opponent, looking completely emotionless.

The beat starts to play and the other guy goes first. Most of his punchlines center around the fact that Marshall is in fact white. And while some of his rhymes are kind of funny, it all sounds pretty tired to be honest. Like, he honestly just kept it safe by going for the most obvious, you know?

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