29. Me & You

444 14 28

Jordyn's P.O.V.

I have just finished wrapping a photoshoot for Vogue in New York. Like seriously, I'm going to be featured and on the cover of the Vogue magazine, and that's a pretty huge deal.

I am still not always exactly sure if I even want any of these things anymore, but it was still so flattering for me that they even wanted me

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I am still not always exactly sure if I even want any of these things anymore, but it was still so flattering for me that they even wanted me. I remember looking at magazine covers as a little girl, never imagining I would be on one. But ever since my song with Jay-Z dropped, as well as us doing that live performance together, it's like my popularity boosted, so there's no escaping this thing anymore now, even if I wanted to.

And today Marshall and I are both in New York because I had to do that Vogue photoshoot, and he had an appearance to do on MTV's TRL Live, so we won't be missing on an opportunity to hang out together later, something we barely even get to do anymore, but that unfortunately just goes with finally beginning to make it bug in this business.

So tonight, we are going to be hanging out in this really popular local club, and that's exactly where I am on the way to now. Sitting in the back of my limo with my security whom the label still insists I keep around with me at all times due to the whole I-have-a-crazy-stalker incident. The cops still haven't been able to figure out who that is and catch this guy, so yes, plenty of security with me at all times. I guess I'm kind of used to them by now though, and I for sure wouldn't give them any hard time, because I know that they are just doung their job protectung me. So I would never antagonize them how Marshall always antagonizes Naz. He continues to go out of his way to do just that.

Anyways, I'm sitting in the car, having thankfully changed out of the extra fancy outfit I had to wear for the Vogue cover and let my hair down as well. I'm combing through it with my fingers, fluffing it out, only to then put it into two braids to keep it out of my way for the rest of the night as the car is pulling up next to the back entrance of the club where there are no paparazzi yet. They always camping out near those places though.

I'm ready to have a good time with my boyfriend and not think much about anything else but that.

Not any of the stuff that stresses me out career wise.

Not the fact that me and my best friend, Savannah, don't even feel like best friends lately, our relationship seemingly fizzled out in favor of my music career, because that's like literally the only thing we ever discuss now whenever we get together.

Not the fact that I still feel like I'm selling out.

Not the fact that my biggest claim to fame so far is a collaboration with a rapper that's tried to hit on me knowing damn well that I've got a boyfriend whom I love to death, and he's got a fiancée as well, which still didn't stop him, and I've had to turn him down, and I still haven't even told my boyfriend about that because I don't want him to freak out.

Not the fact that Marshall and I are both about to embark on separate tours to promote our albums soon, me with a bunch of other up-and-coming female singers like Britney and Christina, called Girl Power, and him on The Warped Tour, and we would barely even be able to speak, let alone see each other anymore for the next two months, and that thought honestly scares me for whatever reason.

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