42. 40 Oz vs. Crystal

380 22 39

Jordyn's P.O.V.

Marshall steps closer to me as he's closing the door behind him.

He looks me over with blankly with a cold look in his eyes. His brows pulling together as his eyes squint, he jerks his chin up towards me.

"You wanna tell me what you are doing here?" He asks and his voice sounds harsh, and I immediately realize that he isn't happy to see me at all. I don't really know why I had thought that he would be though. Not after how I have treated him.

"What, here on the rooftop?" I answer his question with a question of my own stupidly, still with the drink from the party in my hand. "I was actually trying to take the elevator downstairs, but I don't know, I guess I had pressed the wrong button. And what are you doing up on the roof?" I then ask him just to make conversation. I wonder if he had followed me here, if maybe he had wanted to talk to me, but seeing how coldly he is staring at me right now, I honestly doubt that. I feel so awkward and dumb for even showing up to his party in the first place, thinking... Like what did I think was going to happen for real?

"Came up here to clear my head," Marshall shrugs, squinting his eyes at me again. He takes off his durag and runs his hand through his blonde hair. "But that ain't what I meant when I asked why you are here, Jo? What I have meant was why you came to the party?" Still a lot of hostility in his voice, and I suddenly feel so small and even more stupid.

"I mean... Your team did send me the invite," I mumble awkwardly, running my fingers over the rim of the glass in my hand.

"Yeah, my bad about that, guess Paul forgot to take your name off of the list," Marshall says frowning. "Still, I ain't think you would actually come here."

"It was an impulsively decision," I admit, meeting his blue eyes. And the way he's looking at me right now is how I've never seen him look at me before. So distant and cold.

"Oh," is all he says.

I feel an ache in my heart and it hurts.

I realize then that I've finally done what I've been trying to do for so long, pushed him away for good. He wants nothing to do with me right now, that much is clear to me.

I take a deep breath and bite my lip to stop the tears that were just threatening to start forming in my eyes.

Don't you dare cry in front of him now, Jordyn!!

"I'm sorry, Marshall. You are right, I shouldn't have come here," I'm finally managing to say and then quickly make my way past him, making my way to the door.

"Jo?" Marshall calls out after me. I turn around and see him standing with his hands shoved in the pockets of his baggy pants. "You can stay. It don't really bother me that you are here. Just thought it was weird you showed up is all. But it's cool, you can stay," he says to me with a blank look on his face. Like he really doesn't care whether I stay or go, but then again, why would he, right? Clearly he has moved on.

I watch as Marshall walks away from me closer to the edge of the roof, peering down at the city view below. His back is stiff as he stands facing away from me, hair tousled from running his hands through it.

I want to walk up to him and wrap my arms around him, tell him I'm sorry and that I still love him, how I had originally planned, but I now realize just how dumb of an idea that was, so instead I stay very quiet, just standing behind him like an idiot. There's an awkwardness between us that's never been there before, and I hate it. I hate how things have changed between us now, we seem like two strangers to each other. It used to be so easy to be around each other before, like breathing.

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