13. Tell Me About Slim Shady

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A/N: despite this chapter's tittle, there's actually going to be very little in it about Slim Shady. Sorry lol 😫


Marshall's P.O.V.

"So, do you want to tell me now about what's bothering you so much?" Jordyn now asks we both sit in my car somewhere in the middle kf nowhere after I've been driving around all Ober the streets of Detroit for like forever.

"Nah," I reply back, barely looking at her. "But ya wanna something instead, girl? How ya know that once ya father had stopped contacting you, it was totally cause of how HE had wanted things to go from then on," I ask her completely on impulse.

"What do you even fucking mean by that, Marshall?!" Jordyn asks me back then, sounding completely scandalized.

And I almost feel bad then.

Thing is though, I'm all in my own feelings by then, just as a fuck boy I am. And I'm starting to project my own shit on her just a lil bit at this point.

"What I mean, Jo, is that maybe it was all your mother," I state evilly with no emotion on my face.

"W...what?!" Jordyn then looks at me incredulously. I watch her eyes widen.

And it fucking hurts me like hell to cause her so much pain for no reason at all other than my own issues and wanting to take them out on somebody.

Yet, I can't help myself.

"Well, baby, it's like this. Has it ever occurred to ya that maybe the reason ya daddy ain't never contact you again was cause in fact, ya moms had prevented him from doing so? Like, maybe she'd been so goddamn bitter over your father and her husband leaving her and choosing some other random ass chick over her, that she just said fuck it and straight up cut off your father's access to ya? Even if he did want to still continue to see YOU regardless of how he had felt about her?" I ask bitterly, squinting my eyes at her.

Jordyn looks at me like I'm crazy. She sweallows hard. Just as tears start to stream down her beautiful face.

Which is literally like the very last thing I've ever wanted.

I have never wanted to make her cry ever.

"Is this what you think happened, Marshall?! Do you really think my mother was this fucking fixated on my dad?!" She practically yells at me, grabbing the door handle of the passenger side of the car.

"Nah, baby. I don't think that at all, Jo. Then again, I don't know shit about your parents situation like that. All I can say about it though is that I can't even fathom walking away from my own kid like that. No matter what the situation between me and Kim was and no matter which fucked up ass ultimatum she threw at me, I would never walk away from my own daughter, just like that. Not willingly anyway. So maybe. Just maybe, Jo, your father never really left you, but ya moms did keep him away from you. Not that it's really any excuse. Cause Kim would never keep Hailie away from me, cause I will find her. Don't really give a fuck if I have to travel to an edge of the Earth to get to her, I will always find my kid."

Aight. So I am early projecting right now. Hard.

"Fuck you, Marshall," Jordyn whispers, this time actually jumping out of the car.

She runs away towards... fuck even knows where.

I take off towards her and quickly catch up to her. I turn her towards her forcefully, and she actually tries to slap me, but I quickly grab her arm. Too used to Kim doing that by this point, so I'm pretty agile when it comes to this kind of thing.

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