Chapter 7: Exploring the Research Societies (Part 3)

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As the evening drew closer, Catalina realized that it was time for her to head back. However, Jun's pleading eyes caught her attention, and she couldn't resist the professor's request.

"Catalina, promise me you'll come back soon. I would love to continue our conversations about spices and Latin culture," Jun implored, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm.

Catalina chuckled, finding Jun's enthusiasm contagious. "Alright, Jun, I promise. I'll make sure to visit again soon."

Akira, standing nearby, couldn't help but interject. "Jun, don't be so pushy."

Catalina turned to Akira with a mischievous grin. "Oh, come on, Akira. Where's your sense of adventure? Besides, I wouldn't mind staying longer if it means I get to spend more time with you."

Jun squealed with delight, while Akira's expression shifted from surprise to a subtle hint of jealousy. He wasn't accustomed to someone being so bold and forward with him.

Before the conversation could delve further into the realm of playful banter, Jun took charge. "Catalina, you can't leave until Akira walks you at least halfway. It's getting late, and I want to make sure you're safe."

Catalina agreed, seeing the concern in Jun's eyes. "Alright, Akira, shall we?"

As they walked side by side, Catalina decided to lighten the atmosphere by asking Akira some lighthearted and silly questions. She wanted to put him at ease and get to know him better.

"So, Akira, what's your favorite spice? And if you were a spice, which one would you be?" she asked, a playful glimmer in her eyes.

Akira couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, feeling more comfortable around Catalina. "My favorite spice is definitely the king of spices, saffron. And if I were a spice, I suppose I'd be black pepper—subtle yet impactful."

Catalina grinned, enjoying the conversation. As they continued walking, a gentle breeze rustled through Akira's hair, causing his hair tie to snap.

"Oh, your hair is so beautiful," Catalina remarked, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "It's even prettier than mine."

Akira blushed slightly, caught off guard by the compliment. "Thank you. I...I never really thought about it that way."

Catalina reached into her bag, pulling out an extra hair tie. "Here, let me help you fix it. Can't have you walking around with unruly hair."

As she tied his hair back, their eyes met, and a hint of flirtation danced between them. In that moment, a spark ignited, connecting them in a subtle yet undeniable way.

As they reached the halfway point of their walk, Catalina turned to Akira with a mischievous smile.

"You know, Akira, we've had such a fun time getting to know each other. Would it be too forward if I asked for your number?" she inquired, her eyes sparkling with playful curiosity.

Akira's cheeks flushed with a slight blush, feeling a mixture of surprise and bashfulness. "Uh, well... I suppose it wouldn't hurt."

Catalina took out her phone and handed it to Akira. "Great! Let's exchange numbers then."They exchanged contact information, and Catalina couldn't resist adding a personalized touch.

"Hmm, I think I'll save you as 'Spice Master' in my contacts. It suits you perfectly, Akira."Akira's embarrassment grew, but he couldn't help but smile at the nickname. "I suppose it's fitting considering my love for spices."

Catalina, always one to capture the moment, suggested, "Oh before I forget, let's take a photo together for our contacts."

She held up her phone and positioned herself close to Akira, making sure they were both in the frame. "But you'll have to hold it, Akira. Your arms are longer, and we want to get both of us in the shot."

Akira, slightly flustered but willing to oblige, held the phone out, making sure to capture their smiling faces together. Catalina leaned in, and with a playful expression, snapped the photo.

"I love taking photos with new friends," Catalina remarked, retrieving her phone from Akira. "It's a way to remember the special moments we share."

As they continued their walk, Catalina couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and connection with Akira. Their lighthearted banter and growing friendship made the evening even more memorable.

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