Chapter 8: Unveiling Flavors

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As the class gathered in Chef Chapelle's classroom, the stern French cook wasted no time in setting the tone. He explained that they would be making Coq au Vin, emphasizing the importance of precision and time management. The students listened attentively, their anticipation growing.

Catalina, intrigued by the challenge, immersed herself in the task at hand. As she diligently cooked, her passion-infused the air around her. It wasn't long before the rich aroma of Coq au Vin permeated the classroom, drawing the attention of those passing by.

Among the curious onlookers were Eishi Tsukasa and Rindo Kobayashi, the first and second seats of the Elite Ten. Sensing something enticing, Rindo tugged Eishi closer to the classroom, determined to uncover the source of the captivating scent.

Whispers spread among the students as Eishi and Rindo entered the room, their presence is impossible to ignore. Rindo, with her usual exuberance, called out to Catalina, "Hey there! Mind if we join in on the fun?"

Catalina, her gaze shifting towards the duo, couldn't help but notice Eishi's intense gaze fixed upon them. She smirked and playfully remarked, "Well, hello there, Mr. Mysterious. Are you just going to keep staring, or are you going to come over and introduce yourself?"

Rindo nudged Eishi, urging him forward. "Go on, Eishi. Don't be shy. I'm Rindo, and this is Catalina, our foreign transfer student."

Eishi, still slightly flustered, stepped closer and introduced himself. "I'm Eishi Tsukasa, the first seat of the Elite Ten. I specialize in French cuisine."

Catalina's eyes sparkled with amusement as she responded, "Ah, the esteemed first seat. Allow me to give you a nickname then, Snowflake. And I, well, I'm Catalina, the charming transfer student."

Rindo couldn't help but chuckle at Catalina's flirtatious introduction, while Eishi's cheeks turned a shade of pink, caught off guard by her boldness.

Meanwhile, Chef Chapelle observed the students' interactions with curiosity. Sensing the interest sparked by Catalina's cooking, he approached Eishi and Rindo. "Ah, Tsukasa, Kobayashi, you seem intrigued by our foreign transfer student. Catalina brings a fresh perspective to our culinary endeavors. It's an opportunity for us to learn and broaden our horizons."

Eishi and Rindo exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued. "Indeed, Chef Chapelle. We look forward to witnessing Catalina's culinary prowess."

As the class continued their cooking tasks, Catalina immersed herself in the preparation of the Coq au Vin. With each careful step, she incorporated her own unique twist, drawing from the techniques Joichiro Saiba had taught her. The alluring aroma of her dish filled the room, captivating the senses.

As Catalina continued her culinary masterpiece, Rindo couldn't contain her curiosity. She approached Catalina with a mischievous grin. "Hey, Catalina! I've been dying to know—where are you from? And have you ever tasted any exotic animals?"

Catalina's eyes twinkled with excitement as she paused for a moment, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "Well, Rindo, I'm from the US but my family is from Mexico and South America. And let me tell you, I've had some unforgettable culinary adventures."

Flavors of Fusion: Catalina's Culinary JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now