Chapter 20: A Heart-to-Heart

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After the intense battle between Joichiro and Soma, the atmosphere at the Polar Star Dormitory was filled with a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration. As the residents slowly dispersed, seeking rest and solace, Catalina found herself deep in thought, her usual vibrant energy momentarily dimmed.

Isshiki, ever perceptive, noticed the change in Catalina's demeanor and felt compelled to check in on her. He found her gazing out at the starlit night from the dorm's balcony, her thoughts seemingly wandering far beyond the horizon.

Isshiki approached her quietly, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.Isshiki: "Catalina, is everything alright? You seem a bit distant."

Catalina turned to face him, offering a faint smile.

Catalina: "Oh, Isshiki, it's nothing major. I suppose I'm feeling a bit homesick, and maybe a tad overwhelmed by all of this."

Isshiki listened attentively, sensing that there was more beneath the surface.

Isshiki: "You know, Catalina, it's perfectly normal to feel that way. We've all experienced doubts and moments of uncertainty. But remember, you're not alone in this. We're a family here at the Polar Star Dormitory, and we'll always support each other."

Catalina sighed, her frustration evident.

Catalina: "I know, Isshiki, but sometimes it's hard. Like riding back with Erina, for example. Her constant nagging about the 'elite' style and her dismissive attitude towards those who don't fit her definition of perfection... It just gets under my skin. She doesn't understand the joy, the freedom, and the passion that comes from cooking without boundaries."

Isshiki nodded empathetically, understanding the clash between their culinary philosophies.

Isshiki: "Erina has her own journey and experiences that shape her perspective. But that doesn't invalidate your way of cooking, Catalina. Embrace your unique style and let it flourish. You have an incredible talent and a fierce spirit that shouldn't be dampened by someone else's ideals."

Catalina's eyes softened, appreciating the reassurance from her friend.

Catalina: "Thank you, Isshiki. Your words mean a lot to me. Sometimes I let my frustrations get the best of me, especially when it comes to Soma. But you're right; I should focus on my own growth and remember the joy that cooking brings me."

With a newfound resolve, Catalina leaned in and gently planted a kiss on Isshiki's cheek, surprising him.

Catalina: "Goodnight, Isshiki."

Isshiki blushed, feeling warmth spreading through his cheeks.

Isshiki: "Goodnight, Catalina. Remember, we're here for you, always."

Bonus Scene: A Heart-to-Heart with Joichiro
As the time for Joichiro's departure approached, he sought out Catalina for a heartfelt conversation before he checked in on Soma. They found a quiet corner of the Polar Star Dormitory, away from prying eyes, and settled in for a genuine conversation.

Joichiro: "Catalina, my dear, how are you holding up? I can sense there's something on your mind."

Catalina sighed, a mixture of frustration and affection evident in her voice.

Catalina: "Joichiro, I love this place, this family we've built at the Polar Star Dormitory. But sometimes, it can be tough. Being one of the few foreign students and having a unique background, I constantly feel the need to prove myself, to showcase my skills again and again. It can get exhausting."

Joichiro nodded in understanding, his eyes filled with empathy.

Joichiro: "I understand, Catalina. It's not easy to navigate the expectations and perceptions placed upon us. But remember, you have a talent that shines brightly, and your determination to forge your own path will only make you stronger."

Catalina's frustration melted into a playful smile.

Catalina: "Oh, I know that, Joichiro! And I've certainly made a name for myself in the food wars. Seven wins out of seven, undefeated! But sometimes, I wish the students here would embrace more creativity and variety. It feels like they're so focused on emulating 'elite cooking' that they forget to explore different styles and flavors."

Joichiro chuckled, recognizing the fire in Catalina's words.

Joichiro: "You have a point, my dear. It's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of perfection and forget to take risks. But you've shown them what true culinary innovation looks like. Keep pushing the boundaries, keep surprising them with your unique creations. They'll come to understand the beauty of branching out."

Catalina's eyes sparkled with determination, inspired by Joichiro's words.

Catalina: "You're right, Joichiro. I won't let the pressures hold me back. I'll continue to experiment, challenge myself, and bring new flavors to the table. And one day, they'll understand."

As they laughed and shared stories of their own culinary journeys, a bond formed between them—a shared understanding of the challenges they faced, the sacrifices they made, and the joy they found in pushing the boundaries of cooking.

Joichiro: "You know, Catalina, I was once called the 'Demon' during my time at Totsuki. I started out as a 7th seat of the Elite Ten, and the pressure to maintain my position, to constantly be the best, became overwhelming. Eventually, I made the difficult decision to leave the Academy."Catalina listened intently, her curiosity piqued.

Catalina: "You left? But why, Joichiro?"

Joichiro's expression grew serious, his voice tinged with regret.

Joichiro: "I left because I wanted to rediscover the joy of cooking, to explore my own style without the weight of expectations. It was a tough choice, and I never returned to Totsuki. But it allowed me to find my own path, my own happiness."

Catalina's admiration for Joichiro deepened, realizing the courage it took to make such a decision.

Catalina: "Thank you, Joichiro. Your story inspires me. I won't let the pressures hold me back. I'll keep cooking with passion and creativity."

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