Chapter 9: Don RS Food War - the Dreadful Tasting Session

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During the three days of preparation, Megumi and Catalina sat together, discussing the situation at the Don RS. The two of them had become fast friends, bonding over their love for cooking and their determination to help Soma.

Catalina listened intently as Megumi explained the plight of the Don RS and how it was targeted by Erina for her expansion project. She could sense Megumi's worry and the weight of responsibility she carried for the club.

"I can't believe Erina is trying to disband the Don RS," Catalina remarked, her brows furrowing. "We can't let that happen. Soma has to win this Shokugeki."

Megumi nodded, her voice filled with determination. "That's why Soma entered the food war."

As the days went by, Soma worked tirelessly, experimenting with different ingredients and techniques, while Megumi and Catalina supported him with her research and encouragement.

Catalina stood by Soma's side, ready to assist him in the final stages of preparing his dishes. As Soma presented each creation, she took a small bite, savoring the flavors and contemplating the taste.

"Hmm, Soma, this one is delicious, but I think it could use a bit more acidity to balance the richness," Catalina suggested, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Soma nodded, appreciating her input. "You're right, Catalina! Maybe a drizzle of citrus-infused soy sauce would do the trick."

Together, they brainstormed ideas, fine-tuning the dishes to perfection. Catalina's suggestions and Soma's innovative thinking merged harmoniously, resulting in incredible flavor combinations that surpassed their initial attempts.

Added Scene: 

In the midst of their cooking preparations, Catalina and Soma decided to engage in a playful challenge. They gathered an assortment of peculiar ingredients from the pantry, vying to create the most revolting dish imaginable. Megumi watched in trepidation.

Catalina raised an eyebrow, a mischievous grin forming on her lips. "Alright, Soma. Let's see who can come up with the most repulsive culinary creation."

Soma eagerly accepted the challenge, his competitive spirit ignited. "You're on, Catalina! Prepare yourself for the most stomach-turning dish you've ever encountered!"

With great enthusiasm, they concocted a series of bizarre combinations—anchovies with marshmallows, durian with wasabi, and pickled onions with caramel sauce. Each dish grew increasingly grotesque, much to Megumi's dismay.

After their monstrous creations were complete, Catalina and Soma exchanged knowing glances. Megumi, filled with apprehension and trauma from the first time, attempted to make a quick escape from the tasting session. However, her efforts were in vain as Catalina and Soma playfully cornered her.

"No running away, Megumi!" Catalina exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Soma chuckled. "Come on, Megumi, you have to try it!"

Reluctantly, Megumi took a small bite of Catalina's dish, her face contorting in disgust. She quickly reached for a glass of water to wash away the terrible taste.

Soma presented his creation next, and despite her initial resistance, Megumi found herself taking a bite. The flavor was even worse than she had imagined, causing her to gag and rush to the sink to spit it out.

Catalina and Soma burst into laughter, realizing they had taken their challenge a bit too far. Megumi, wiping her mouth, couldn't help but join in the laughter, appreciating the absurdity of the situation.

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