(My secret lover) Inkmare☁️

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(No warnings or concerns in this story, just fluff.)

Nightmare's POV:

"-It's so gloomy here...-", he thought as he was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling aimlessly. Nightmare felt like trash not doing anything productive right now and with everyone gone with their friends...,or lovers-, Nightmare was alone with no one. "-I'll probably just go take a walk outside or whatever just to refresh myself-" he said to himself as he sat up from his laying position on his bed. He teleported himself to the front of his castle where the big double doors were revealing the outside of the destroyed and foggy AU. Nightmare decided to go to a surface AU that was nighttime for him so he could spend his time stargazing alone... Nightmare picked an populated AU but with a peaceful forest for his stargazing and he just thought that populated AU's have beautiful forest and it's more peaceful at night. Once Nightmare got there he walked around the forest making sure to keep his aura low so no one would suspect him when he was there but when he found a good spot he sat down and looked at the sky just the same way when he was in his bedroom. He flinched as he heard something come from the bushes and say "Hey Nightmare!.-"

Ink's POV:

I was walking around a random AU and then heard someone teleport here. I wanted to see who it was but I froze for a second trying to get used to the negativity that was coming from that person but once I got myself together I went to go see who it was! I slowly crept behind a bush to see who it was but then was surprised to see Nightmare laying there! "Hey Nightmare!.-" I said to him but I think I scared him as he flinched and then jolted back to see who I was..., got to admit but he scared me to when he jolted, I thought he was going to attack me! "-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE INK-!" he yelled when he realized who it was. "Jeez! You don't got to yell I just wanted to say hi!.-" I yelled at him from behind the bush so he could hear me. Nightmare calmed down and I walked up to him and sat down with him. He looked weirded out as Ink sat next to him because he was an enemy. "So what' cha doing here Nightmare, I never knew you stargazed! I love to do that!.-" I said to Nightmare as he was looking at the sky but then started blushing when I said that to him. "W-well I-I just wanted t-too... um.." he trailed of trying to think of a reason trying not to embarrass himself by saying he's lonely and has no one to love.

3rd person/no one's POV:

Ink started to chuckle as he said to Nightmare "Your lonely so you came here right?" still laughing when he said his sentence.  Nightmare just looked away as he hid his embarrassed blush in his jacket when Ink was still laughing to himself. When Ink was done laughing he looked at Nightmare curiously as his eye-lights changed to examen the negative being. Ink thought he looked kinda adorable when he was flustered but snapped out of his thoughts when he remembered that Nightmare was the "bad guy" but..., who cares right now (probably Dream). "Why haven't you attack me yet cutie~." Ink said to Nightmare kinda curious why Nightmare actually didn't attack him. Nightmare looked at him still blushing madly at the nickname "cutie" but simply responded with "Im not in the mood to fight right now..." Ink knew that Nightmare was lying and he actually wanted Ink to stay more so he wouldn't be lonely.

Ink's POV:

I knew Nightmare was lying about that but I kinda found it cute on how he wanted me to stay but I didn't want to make it obvious that I knew and just wanted to tease him. I cupped his chin so he could look at me and I said "I know your lying but I'm okay with that because you're kinda cute!" Nightmare was speechless when I let go of him and was trying to process what happened. "W-why would y-you do th-that you dumb squid!" "Because I thought it was funny." I said in a teasing tone which made Nightmare a little disappointed because he thought that he was faking all that "cutie" stuff but I wasn't. Nightmare just ignored me for a little bit so I thought it would be a good time to draw him because he's just so cute! As Nightmare went back to stargazing I got the opportunity to draw him because he stayed the same pose for a while. "You know, you're a really good poser for my drawings right!" I said to him still drawing. "Wh-what do you mean?" He stuttered because of the thoughts that came to his head when he said that. "I'm drawing you so I could always look at the picture when I'm done!" I said while he looked at me shocked and flustered and I think he was more flustered than shocked. When I was done drawing him I started to get a little tired so I got closer to Nightmare and laid on his lap. I felt cold but warm at the same time when I was on Nightmare but..., it was a really good feeling and he felt so... "comfortable".

Nightmare's POV:

I was pretty flustered when Ink said that but then moments later when I thought he was getting bored so he would leave soon, I felt something go on my lap! "W-what are you doing Ink?!" I said really confused on what was happening. "You're comfortable and I'm tired soo, yea." he said while closing his eyes. He started to cuddle with one of my tentacles while drifting to sleep while saying it was "warm". "Damn why is he so cute..., AND WHY AM I FALLING FOR HIM!" I thought to myself blushing uncontrollably when he was on me. I finally gave up and just laid down with him but then he adjusted himself to be right next to me and started to hold and cuddle my tentacles in the process of doing so. I didn't think he would actually stay with me but when I knew he wasn't going anywhere I just decided to give in and slowly drift to sleep myself and I didn't really care what my gang would say when I got back to the castle after being gone for a while but who cares, they were the one who left me first.

3rd person/ no one's POV:

Nightmare started to slowly fall asleep feeling the warmth of Ink that he gave. That Ink was cuddling Nightmare's tentacle they kinda have "a mind of their own" and started to wrap around Ink protectively which made Ink feel more safe  and more comfortable feeling the tentacles coil around him which made him purr a little. They both slept together in the forest for the whole night and when it was morning Nightmare woke up first and took a moment to remember what happened last night but when he did remember, he started to blush a little and then looked down to see Ink wrapped in his tentacles. He started to slowly unwrap the tentacles around Ink and teleported back to his AU. Once he got back everyone was waiting for him anxiously and when they saw him they started to question him a lot like "where were you", "are you okay", and "did you get hurt" but he just told them that he was out for the night to be by "himself" and went back to his room. Once he got there he couldn't stop thinking about Ink and then he reached into his pocket and found something in there, a note. The note said "I knew you were lonely and wanted to hang out with you but I still find you very cute and adorable, also I was awake when you were leaving and made me kinda sad when you did. Anywho, love you! Sincerely Ink." This made Nightmare blush at the note and put it on his desk as he wanted to go out to Ccions café. Killer saw the note in his room and read it but when he did he showed it to everyone in his gang and they all shared little laughs. "I'm totally going to use this for blackmail" Killer said to Dust. "Totally" Dust said looking at Killer with a smirk.

1457 words

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