(Forgive us) Bill x nightmare

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⚠️this book will contain foul language and harmful methods and mentions⚠️

Nightmare's POV:

I told my gang that I was going to take a walk so they knew were I was because the last time I went out without telling them they almost killed Cross. I wanted to go to Fluffytale as it makes me feel way calmer. I just finished a whole pile of work that took all night and I was super tired so I decided to wake myself up I would just go outside. Once I arrived at Fluffytale, it was night which means it would be less crowded as it had a lot of more people active in the morning. I walked through the sidewalk of the little town making my way to the forest they had. After a couple of minutes of walking, I finally made it to the forest I wanted to go to. I sighed as I breathed in the fresh air they had and how calm and quiet it was. I sat down next to the pond staring at the rippling water until I heard someone behind me. "Hey what are you doing here!" I heard Ink say as I turned around and saw all the Star Shits with their weapons ready to attack me. "I'm sitting here, what does it look like." I told Ink as his eyes turned red and black and started to charge at me. I really didn't want to deal with this crap right now so I didn't really try while fighting them and easily dodged all of their attacks. "Brother! Why do you always want to cause destruction everywhere!" Dream yelled at me as I was dodging all of his attacks. "I'm not doing anything wrong I was just sitting there!" I yelled at him back until I realized that Blue wasn't with them anymore. Dream stopped attacking me and nodded his head almost like he was signaling. I looked behind myself and saw Blue running towards me really fast. I was about to react but I didn't do it in time and was hit in the stomach with one of his bone attacks really hard. I screeched in pain as he pinned me down on the ground telling Dream to do it. Dream nodded and started to attack me. 2 of his arrows hit my tentacles and it hurt like hell but I was able to get Blue of me and tried to attack again until I felt a sharp pain in my back as it was another arrow hitting me. I collapsed on the floor in a the arrow in my back went deeper in. I screeched in pain as I heard someone approach me. "How did he not dust yet!?" Ink said to his teammates while getting closer to me. I was about to accept my fate as I couldn't even move because I was pinned down on the ground by arrows until I felt an presence teleport near me before I passed out due to the pain.

No one's/3rd person POV:

"Bill?! What are you doing here!" Ink yelled as he backed away from him. "I'm here because your hurting one of my clients, paint splatter." Bill said to Ink while having a sinister smile on his face. Ink tried attacking him until Bill stopped him with his magic and threw him back to his teammates. "Why don't you and your little team skedaddle." Bill said teasing them as they got mad on what he demanded. "You can't just tell us what to do!" Blue yelled at him while also trying to attack him but it would fail miserably. "I've had fun with y'all but I really do think y'all should leave." Bill said while opening an portal behind them and picking them up with his magic. "Don't you dar-!" Ink said but was cut off as they were thrown in the portal. Bill then quickly closed the portal and looked at his damaged friend. He bent down to see the damage that happened to him and cringed to himself as he saw the arrow in his back. He kept examining Nightmare and saw tear stains on his cheeks due to the pain. Bill decided to help his little friend and started to take out the arrows on his tentacles slowly so he wouldn't hurt him more than he already was. He was able to take the first one out with ease but the second one was deeper in him so he would have to put me force on it. He pulled it out really quickly but really tough which was enough pain to wake up Nightmare. He jolted up and started hyperventilating from the pain but then screeched in pain again as the pain on his back was unbearable. Bill flinched back when Nightmare got back but then saw how much pain he was in. Bill immediately layer him back down so the pain would calm down. "Calm down apple! I'm just taking the arrows out of you." Bill said while holding him down so he doesn't squirm and hurt himself more. Nightmare started to take even breaths again while calming down but he was still super tense because of the pain. After Bill knew Nightmare calmed down, he sat him up slowly while still looking at the arrow in his back. "Prepare for this apples because it's gonna hurt." Bill said as he held on to the arrow and was getting ready to pull it out. Nightmare held his breath and held on to one of his tentacles that wasn't damaged. Bill then pulled on the arrow really hard but it didn't come out. Nightmare was able to hold in a scream but started to tear up again because of the pain. Bill told him it would probably take one more pull to get the arrow out and Nightmare shakily  nodded as he got ready again. Bill pulled on the arrow again one last time which was able to get the arrow out. Nightmare hissed in pain when it got out and started to hyperventilate again until Bill layer him down again. "I'm almost done apple call down I just need to heal you." Bill said calmly to Nightmare while slowly petting his head because he knows that calms him down. Nightmare started to calm down again and close his eyes to calm himself down. It took about 10 mins for him to heal Nightmare fully and saw that he passed out. He chuckled to himself and picked up Nightmare bridal style while teleporting to Nightmare's place. He opened the door to the palace and saw his team waiting there for him. "Hey! What did you do to boss!" Dust yelled at Bill as he stopped walking. "I saved him you bonehead!" Bill said to Dust who was standing on the couch giving him a death stare. He continued walking to Nightmares room not knowing someone was following him. When he got to Nightmare's door, he used his magic to stop Killer from following them. "Hey let me dooown!!" Killer yelled while struggling. "Your not coming in the room with him, he needs to be alone." Bill said quietly to Killer but loud enough we're he could here him. While Bill was opening the door to Nightmare's and entering he could hear Killer yelling at him so he immediately closed the door so he didn't wake up Nightmare. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Killer yelled when he closed the door still struggle to escape from Bill's magic. When Bill closed the door he could here Killer's teammates laughing at him which made him chuckle a little. He placed Nightmare on his bed and put the sheets on top of him while starting to slowly let his head again. "Sleep well apple." Bill said quietly to Nightmare as he teleported away from the room. But before he left he did drop Killer on his shoulder.
1321 words
I love this so much and now I feel bad for Killer because he couldn't be with his boss 😀

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