(New plan) Killer + star sanses

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⚠️This story contains kidnapping, foul language, mentions of hypnosis, and violence⚠️

Dream's POV:

I was talking to my group about a new plan we made up a while ago because this plan was gonna take a lot of training and planning for it to work.

"So how are we gonna get them to join us?" Ink said while crossing his arms and sitting back at his seat. "We've tried soo many ideas and non of them go to an conclusion for it to work!" Ink said again to us clearly annoyed. "I know, I know, I've finally thought of a plan but we would have to do it slowly and it will take a lot of patience to do it." I said to them as they looked at me egregiously wanted to know what.

"We'll take them one by one into the doodle sphere or somewhere at our place and try different methods on trying to get them to our side." Blue immediately blurted out on how they were gonna get them or even attempt to bring them here without anyone noticing. "I really didn't think about that but I guess we'll just have to kidnap them or something or take them when their alone or no one is looking." I said to Blue.

Ink looked at me when I was still thinking about what to do to get them to their location. "I know how to take them! Even if there at the castle with everyone there so don't worry. I even know who goes out the most and who doesn't." Me and Blue looked at him kinda concerned that he knew this but also glad as it would make this way easier for us. I asked him who would be the easiest to get first and he said Killer. I didn't think Killer would be easy to get so I had to ask him how.

"Well, Killer is the one who goes out the least and usually likes to spend most of his time in his room. So if or when everyone leaves the castle and Killer stays there, we can easily take him in by a portal and do whatever we have to do on him! And it could still work even if they are in the castle, we would just have to be cautious." Ink said to us as Blue wrote it down for some reason.

"This is perfect! We can have Killer in no time and if we successfully make him good then he could trick the others and bring him to us!" I said in excitement as I started to gather my things to leave. "But wait," Blue said interrupting me. "Who's gonna get Killer? We have different possibilities on getting him than others here." "I will!" Ink said out loud when Blue finished.

"Okay then. We'll take him to the doodle sphere where me and Blue are waiting and Ink will bring him to us. Does that sound like a plan to get our first victim." "Yea!" Blue and Ink said in unison. "Alright me and Blue will get ready. Ink, tell me when your ready to take him okay." "Alright!" Ink said as he watched the others leave. Finally, I'll have them to myself.

Killer's POV:

As I twirled my knife on my finger in the meeting room waiting for boss to come, I felt a strange feeling. Almost like a targeted feeling. I don't know it's probably just some nervous feeling because, I'm having a meeting with my boss soon it could be almost anything! As I waited he finally came and took a seat while holding a pile of documents in his hands. He started to pass them down to everyone around the table except for me. I wondered why so I decided to ask him.

"Hey boss! Why haven't I got one? Aren't I supposed to go on a mission with them too?" "Yes I know Killer but you did an extra one this week and it kinda affected your schedule so you don't got one today. But you will tomorrow." Nightmare said as he was finishing passing around the documents. He explained to the others what specifically they had to do in their missions before they all left.

After they all left I was left with boss giving me a little chat on how he wouldn't be there and had to leave for a meeting. He said that I could do anything I want just don't cause any trouble and don't break anything but he can trust me! After he left I just started to roam the castle a little out of pure boredom. I sat in the living room for 10 mins, stood in the kitchen for 5 mins, paced around the hallways for a solid 13 mins, then I finally got bored and just went into my room.

After I entered my room I just looked around to see what to do and just decided to throw knifes at my little target hanging on my wall. As I threw the knifes, each time hitting the pin point. I sat on my bed wondering why I kept having a strange feeling. After a while of me just sitting on my bed using magic to throw my knife across the room. I laid down while sighing to myself looking up at the wall. I closed my eyes thinking to myself what I was gonna do next until I felt something tug on my arm. Then I was immediately pulled into a portal entering a strange place. I didn't see who grabbed me but the last thing I saw was my room in a small circle until it closed. I felt something splatter on me and it got all over my neck and a little on my face so tried to wipe it off until I realized I couldn't move.

Ink's POV:

I opened a small portal behind Killer where I could grab his arm and pull him in. I tugged on his arm one time which got his attention then I immediately pulled him in, out from the portal while dropping him on the floor. I took out my paintbrush and slapped paint all over him while it formed into strings. He tried to move but realized he couldn't and that's when he started to panic. He was yelling and cursing at me things I didn't even know were real words but I was able to make a mouth cover for him so he can finally shut up about how shitty I am. I then stated to check his pockets and knife holders to see if he had any weapons on him before I took him to Dream. He only had one knife and he looked really pissed when I took it from him.

I teleported him into a room on a table with Dream and Blue. He looked really confused
And kept struggling so Blue had to pin his soul down. "This won't take long okay Killer." Dream said to him while blindfolding Killer. He tried to scream and yell for help but failed as the thing covering his mouth didn't let him talk.

Dream put his hands on Killer's chest while his hands started to glow. Killer was struggling like crazy trying to get out of the strings but failed miserably. After a couple a seconds, Killer immediately went limp. He was still breathing but was making zero sounds. Dream took of his mouth cover and the blindfold while telling Blue and me to untie him. When we were finally done, Killer's limp body was picked up by Dream bridal style while saying that he'll be in a different room and someone needs to keep a watch on him to make sure if he wakes up. I decided to watch him and he put him in my room. They placed Killer on my bed and left me with him. I went over to him and started to exam him until one thing I noticed was different, his soul. It was like a yellow-ish red-ish color but I guess that's just with the spell Dream put on him and I'm guessing if it goes back to normal he'll be back to his normal state. Anywho I wonder what we'll do with him.
1387 words
Bro this took forever to think of and I don't know if I'll do like a part 2 and everything but all I have to say is, is that I'm sorry for not posting in a bit just been having artist block.

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